Sunday, October 30, 2011


I love that God interacts with his created. With me. His specific messages of direction to me are generally brief and to the point. This past week was no exception. I have been working on the musical He gave me both intentionally and sporadically... I know that sounds like an oxymoron - - it consumes my thoughts, but progress and the fine-tuning of editing is slow. I was really discouraged about that this past week, and after several days of voicing that to God, He spoke. His words, "The process is part of the purpose."

Wow! Part of my agony in its not being completed was my vision that God wouldn't be able to use it until it was done - but that's not the whole story, according to Him. There is a purpose in the process. I can't see what it might be - but He knows. What a weight off my shoulders. Yes, I need to be intentional. Yes, I need to keep at it. But - it is not just a destination; it is a journey - and He has an intention for something good to come out of the process. I'm so very grateful for that assurance!

I'll let you know when it's available online! Until then - I'm excited to watch for what God has in mind for the process.

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