Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Over and over my attention is captured by God's order. Everything, down to the minutest detail is planned, designed, crafted by the Creator's hand. It is comforting to rest in His plan when His plan is a plan!

From before the foundation of the world, a solution to our severed relationship with God was designed - and finally, Jesus' ministry begins.

John alludes to Jesus' baptism in John 1:32. Jesus was baptized by John, then spent 40 days in the wilderness, and was tempted by Satan when He was at his weakest, after 40 days without sustenance.

Now He's back! And his first order of business is accumulating disciples. The first who followed him were John the Baptist's faithful disciples: Andrew and the author, John.

Andrew went on one of the first mission trips: he found his brother, Simon, and told him he and John had found the Messiah. (More like the Messiah finding them, don't you suppose?) Andrew brought Simon to Jesus, and Jesus' words of greeting were: "You are Simon the son of John. You shall be called Cephas (which means Peter).

The next day he took these 3 and left for Galilee. His next addition was Philip. Philip was from the same town as Andrew and Peter - Bethsaida. Philip did some mission outreach as well, and brought Nathanael. And as Nathanael approached Jesus, Jesus declared, "Behold, an Israelite indeed, in whom there is no deceit." Nathanael asked him, "How do you know me?" And Jesus replied, "Before Philip called you, when you were under the fig tree, I saw you." To which Nathanael declared, "Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel."

It is almost impossible to embrace the fulness of what they felt in those earliest days of knowing that the One who stood beside them was indeed the promised Messiah. Jesus saw them as only God could see them; knew them intimately before they had a chance to know Him; gave them enough proof of his deity to silence any doubts. Israel had waited a long time for the promised Messiah - and now the promised One was standing among them.

One of my favorite identifications for GOD is El Roi - The God who sees me. I love that Jesus let Nathanael know that He saw him under the fig tree - even before Philip got to him.

So - at the end of Chapter 1, there are 5 men who have left everything to follow Jesus: Andrew, Peter, Philip, Nathanael - and John.

Chapter 2
Toward the end of Jesus' first week of 'ministry' - when He was focused on team-building - Jesus and his faithful few showed up for a wedding Jesus was invited to attend. I am told that weddings in those days traditionally lasted for 8 days - eating, drinking, celebrating - and it was an embarrassment if the groom ran out of wine.

Jesus' mother, Mary, was at the wedding. When the wine ran out she had compassion for the young host and sidled over to Jesus and stated the obvious, "They have no wine." Jesus made it clear that His time for being conspicuous by performing miracles had not yet come - yet Mary didn't let it go. She instructed the servants, "Do whatever He tells you." And they did. There were 6 stone water jars that each held 20 - 30 gallons, and Jesus instructed the servants fill them. Then he told them to dip out some of the water and take it to the master of the feast - the Master of Ceremonies, if you will....

Jesus had turned the water in to wine. Delicious best-quality wine. The master of ceremonies took note of that! It was customary to serve the best first, and after the people's palates were no longer as aware, to then serve the cheap stuff. Not only was the groom spared embarrassment, he was given abundantly more than he could ask or think - a minimum of 120 gallons of prime wine.

This one miracle - and his disciples believed in Him. They would see so much more! They would even see things that would make them question - but they had very identifiable touchstones to reflect on.

The next story John shares takes place during Passover +-27 A D. We know that it was Jesus' habit to attend Passover, but this was the first one He would attend with His disciples. You'd think He'd want to win people over with His love and kindness - but, no - the first thing He does is in defense of the sanctity of His Father's House.

One of the requirements of Passover celebration was the offering of sacrifices, and the money-grubbing greedy had figured out a way to make big bucks on the requirement. People who came from a long ways away found it easier to purchase their sacrifice in Jerusalem, rather than bring the animals along, and only one form of currency was permitted, so money changers would charge extortionist rates for people to change their 'back home' coins to the money required for the purchase.... Then, those who sold the required critters charged inflated fees for the purchases, so the "flock" was fleeced instead of assisted.

Their behavior made Jesus absolutely furious. And when He was challenged, His answer clues us in that He already knew that in 3 short years, He would be back in this place as the sacrificial lamb...but He also clearly knew that on the 3rd day He would be raised from the dead. He telegraphs the end of the story, so His disciples will remember later....

Many believed in Him because of the miracles He was performing - but He knew that people were fickle, wafting on the tide of the moment. How very sad - but He knew that before creation...and He created man anyway.

I find it noteworthy how early in His ministry He set the stage for the animosity of the Pharisees to pursue Him. I think we should pay attention. His holiness is uncompromising, and He sets the standard for us.

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