Sunday, April 23, 2017


In parallel time – April 23, 2017
Jesus’ appearance to the entire group a week after Resurrection Day! (on the 8th day)

Reading for today:
John 20:24-30

‘Though the doors were locked Jesus came and stood among them….”

I apologize for the whiplash – dashing backward, then forward…. But – my intention all along was to write about what happened ‘then’ in parallel time, and I want to be faithful with keeping that intention. I obviously had more to write about than I could possibly get to – so am still playing ‘catch-up,’ but for the things that are stated to be specific times – I want to keep up – and today is one of those days.

Jesus appeared to His disciples on the evening of the Sunday he was resurrected – simply ‘appeared’ to them behind a locked door – and said those words that Jesus and angels say when people are quaking in their boots, “Do not be afraid.” There is no record of what He did between that day and His next recorded appearance, but He shows up a week later – for Thomas’ sake. Thomas wasn’t with them last Sunday when Jesus first appeared to His disciples, proving that He had risen.

Thomas made it perfectly clear that he was from the sturdy rootstock of ‘Show me!’ I love Thomas. His story is one that resonates clearly when we are in times of doubt and unbelief. ‘Show me.’ And Jesus did – and does….

‘Blessed are those who don’t have to see to believe’ – but I can tell you that those who require more proof are also blessed – for when we ask for bread, he doesn’t give us a stone….

I have heard a lot of sermons castigating Thomas for his unbelief – but we should thank him, for through him we see the Master, alive and well – and Thomas witnesses to the risen Lord.  These many years later, his words of affirmation ring true. Thank you, Thomas Didymus. Thank you, Lord!

Stop doubting and believe.

Humor for today:

When I was in college at Northwest, Professor Fee told the following story on himself:

“I was trying out for a church in Grants Pass, Oregon, and the first words out of my mouth when I stepped into the pulpit were: ‘Good morning to all of you people here in Grass Pants.’

It was not the first impression he had intended – but it was a wonderful ice breaker.

Another truly funny one in real life happened in Montesano. My pastor – who was/is an absolutely certifiable genius tended to get words mixed up on occasion. One Sunday from the pulpit, speaking of someone who wasn’t playing with a full deck, he said, “She didn’t have both udders in the water.’ He meant oars. Since I am visual it was a lot funnier to me than to most folks.  












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