My chapter for today was John 4. The very first account in the chapter is of the Samaritan woman - the "woman at the well". I love, love, love this story! From this perspective, I do not see it as an accidental "just happening to go through Samaria on the way to Galilee", but a Divine Appointment. Today I paid attention to a portion of the conversation that I had not noticed before. In reporting the story, John states that the Samaritan woman asked Jesus if he was greater than Jacob. Jesus didn't take the bait. Answering that question in that timing could have diverted them away from what his intention was in engaging her in conversation. But - eventually actually he did give her the answer by stating that he, the one talking to her, was the Messiah!
He met her where she was. Revealed more to her than she told him. Because of that she believed. And - she became one of the very first evangelist/ missionaries by going back to her town where people did know her past, and sharing the good news!
In their era, Jews didn't talk to Samaritans. And certainly not a Jewish man speaking to a Samaritan woman. But Jesus did! 5 husbands and the man she was living with now was not her husband. No problem. Man looks on the outward appearance. God looks on the heart. She had sought love in all the wrong places, and now she met love personified. I love, love, love this story!
There is a lot more in this chapter, but I have vowed to keep my posts this year short!