Wednesday, May 31, 2017



Reading for today:
John 20:30-31
John 21:25

We just acknowledged Jesus’ ascension back to heaven 6 days ago. In our parallel journey through Lent, to and then beyond the cross, the story is still unfolding. At this point in the disciples’ lives, they are meeting together intentionally in the upper room as they were instructed to do, obediently praying for the promise Jesus left them with in his instructions for what was to come next. “Wait….” They are waiting – which means we are too, as we’re intentionally attempting to follow the day-by-day journey as they experienced it. Right now – all we have recorded is that they were told to wait….

So while we are waiting – it gives me an opportunity to explore some more portions of the Gospel’s messages.  (I suspect the disciples were sharing their memories of messages as encouragement to each other as well during this time.)

His Word tells us everything we need to know – but still, these two references in John intrigue me. After all of the amazing miracles that John recorded, he lets us know near the end of his writing of his testimony that Jesus did many other miraculous signs in the presence of his disciples. The most captivating statement is in John 21:25, when he says, “If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.” 

That is such a ‘wow’ statement. It intrigues me. All the reports in the gospels of Jesus’ interaction with man during his three whirlwind years of ministry on earth represent only the tip of the iceberg. And, yet, it is enough. These are written so that we may believe that Jesus is the Messiah, the Son of God, and that by believing we may have life in his name. (John 20:31)

I cannot help but reiterate that – we may have life in his name. There is no other name under heaven by which we can be saved. None. 

Right after Luke tells us that Jesus is the one who was the stone the builders rejected – who has become the capstone, he tells us in Acts 4:12: “…Salvation is found in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given to men by which we must be saved.” 

Jesus paid the price. He extends the offer of salvation through His blood – but we have a part to play. We have to reach out and accept the gift. 

The chorus of a song by Don Moen springs to mind:

No other name but the Name of Jesus
No other name but the Name of the Lord
No other name but the Name of Jesus
Is worthy of glory, and worthy of honor
And worthy of power and all praise

Tuesday, May 30, 2017



Galatians 5:22-23

The Bible lists the qualities that the Holy Spirit grows in us when we are under His tutelage: 

Love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, self-control.

Those are nine specific hallmarks that identify Christian behavior. 

Of all of those attributes love and patience are probably the least understood.  The love referred to is not the warm, fuzzy emotional kind of love.  It is a love that demonstrates care in spite of emotion, and reflects the ethic of commitment.  It is doing the right thing whether I feel like it or not.  Love as action – not love as feeling. 

And patience.  We often think patience is just being willing to wait when you want a faster response or resolution – but it is deeper than that.  It is patient forbearance.  It is putting up with.  It is endurance, not giving up.  It is waiting for God’s timing in the weighty matters of life.  It demonstrates our trust and acceptance of His divine plan.   And, like all of the other ‘Fruits’ listed we can’t achieve it without the Holy Spirit’s help. 

I was relieved when I learned that the kind of patience so often assumed was not the same as the patience listed in the ‘Fruits of the Spirit’….  If we assume it is normal ‘patience’ we just set ourselves up for perpetual consternation.  In reality, sometimes that sort of patience is not practical.  There are times when ‘waiting’ is not appropriate, and situations where courteous impatience is warranted.   (However, dealing with whatever the issue is in a positive way and exercising kindness reflects Christian character.)

The Holy Spirit is our Comforter – but also our teacher, and He will lead us into Righteousness in our behaviors if we let Him! 

Monday, May 29, 2017



Before I get into my blog for today I want to acknowledge that it is Memorial Day – a day we set aside annually to honor those who have died serving in the various branches of the Armed Services – those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect and defend our country and the values we hold dear.

Freedom is not free. 

In our family line we have relatives who have lost their lives defending our country.  The price of freedom is very personal.  In memorial of those who have died serving, honor to all who have served and gratitude to those who are serving now…thank you! 


[2010 Blog post that is uncannily appropriate again and instructive to me right now in my life:]

The disciples were getting a graphic lesson on patience.  God didn’t install me with as much patience as I sometimes wish I had. However, when someone tells me they are praying for patience I remind them that’s a dangerous prayer. The way God teaches us any lesson is through opportunities to practice it. 

My lesson in learning that definitively was when God told me ‘we’ were going to work on my gentleness. When he told me that I thought, ‘Great. Now I am going to be like one of those sweet little ladies at church who just ooze gentle, caring love.’ 


Now – the absolute truth is: I love deeply and sincerely. I care. I have oodles of compassion. Gentleness – I’m still working on it….

God’s chosen method of teaching me gentleness was to throw me into situations where I had to practice it. Situations where I was treated abysmally unfairly – misunderstood, misjudged, maligned – and instead of reacting in ‘human’ nature to defend the assaults I had to learn to absorb them and pray for God to work in each situation. I spoke the truth – then had to let each go . . . even though unresolved. God gave me a promise that he would be my defender. In some cases I am still waiting. It’s his battle – not mine. 

Over and over I get to take to heart my Potato Masher Parable about not getting upset with a frog for being a frog. 

In the process of working on gentleness, which involves responding not reacting, I’ve also learned that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. People can do some pretty awful things, say some pretty awful things – but we don’t have to be held hostage to their words or actions. When we forgive we release ourselves from being part of their issue. It is incredibly freeing. And – I can only do that through God’s grace. His grace is sufficient. Really, it is! And I have to trust that promise!

It isn’t always easy! Sometimes feelings of resentment for wrongs done against me try to creep in. I have to intentionally and carefully take those thoughts captive and submit them to God’s Word. He promised me that no weapon fashioned against me would stand. I stand on His promises, claiming them because His promises are true – knees shaking, lip quivering, soul determined. I put on my armor listed in Ephesians 6:10-18, and place my life in his hands. I want to trust him more and more. I’m still learning to do that. 

We never arrive at some pinnacle of perfection in this life where nothing ruffles us. But the thing about being an intentional Christian is that we keep learning, keep pressing on, keep growing. His Word is our sword – and our guidebook.

Sunday, May 28, 2017



The disciples were not told how long the waiting period would be.  We get to see in retrospect that it was 10 days – but they don’t know that.  It is a good reminder that often we have ‘promises’ we have held onto that have not come to pass.  We, too, are waiting – and we don’t know the timeline. 

That applies to the final moments of history as well….  Sometimes I feel like I am waiting for the other shoe to drop.  Prophecy and the current news mesh so closely….   I want to be with the Lord – but I am not looking forward to the process that will bring that to fruition.  It makes me more poignantly aware that Jesus didn’t look forward to the process with joy either.  He was fully God and fully human.  I am just fully human.  It’s okay.  He knows that I am dust. 

We wait expectantly – and with a modicum of uncertainty – just as they did in +-33 A D.

Saturday, May 27, 2017


I am reminded that in those 10 days of waiting between Jesus’ ascension and Pentecost when they no longer had Jesus with them, they didn’t have the coming Holy Spirit’s presence within them either.  The veil had been torn in two at Jesus’ death making direct access to God possible, but without the Holy Spirit affirming, nudging, compelling, they had to rely on memory, faithfulness and hope as their companions. 

We are sooooooo blessed to live now, with complete access to God through the power of the Holy Spirit.  I have walked through periods when I didn’t feel God’s presence and had to just continue putting one foot in front of the other in faithfulness, so I know what that feels like.  God has been very clear in teaching me He wants me to walk by faith not by feeling – but I love when I tangibly feel the Holy Spirit’s presence and do not want to be guilty of taking Him or His presence in my life for granted.   

It is important to recognize that His presence is more than mere emotion.  Emotions can’t be trusted – that’s why Jesus wants us to walk by faith…not by sight, and certainly not by emotions.  Emotions can be wonderful to feel when we are immersed in God’s presence – but emotions can negatively blindside us – and if we live by emotions we are going to be on a constant roller coaster.   The Holy Spirit helps us not let emotion have the last word. 

He truly leads, guides, corrects, cajoles, cautions, admonishes, inspires, energizes, instructs, teaches, encourages, comforts, directs…walks with us.  Works in us, through us, among us, with us. 

Lord, thank you for the Holy Spirit, who allows us to have a personal intimate relationship with You. 

Sorry – I almost forgot!  To honor the timeline of parallel time…we are still waiting! 

Friday, May 26, 2017


Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Those are words that we pray – Even so, come, Lord Jesus – but always with a twinge of mixed emotion, because all of us have loved ones we want to see come to know the Lord, and when He comes again, our waiting will be over, but so will their opportunity. 

The other reality is that for those of us who live in countries where it is still safe (for the moment) to be a Christian, we have so many blessings that we hold on to the present.  Many times I have said, “I know my destination, but I am in no rush to get there.”  I know heaven will be even better – but I cling to life on earth.  I experience moments that are painful – but hope is not lost….  I experience hurts both inside and outside my Church, but I am not persecuted – yet – for being a Christian.  Many in other countries are experiencing true persecution.  My news feed this morning alerted me to the senseless slaughter of 22 Christians in Egypt – targeted because of their faith.   It hurts to hear of those who are being martyred for their faith.   I believe in something worth dying for – but they just did!   Even so, come, Lord Jesus!


I wonder precisely what it was like to be in the disciples’ sandals the day after Jesus ascended to Heaven.  They had experienced the full gamut of emotions from the ecstasy of Palm Sunday to the agony of Jesus’ death on a criminal’s cross.  From the assurance of confident hope to the devastation of destructive reality.  And then He came back to life on the third day just as He promised.  (A promise you will recall that they didn’t understand because they were so focused on an earthly kingdom.)

Hope swelled once more.  Surely the Messiah would establish His kingdom on earth!  But no, now He was gone – they watched Him rise into the air and be swallowed up in the clouds.  And His last instruction to them was:  Wait!

And so, we wait….

Thursday, May 25, 2017


40 days after resurrection: ASCENSION (Mount of Olives, near Bethany):
(Reposted from 2010, with minor edits)

Reading for today:
Matthew 28:18-20
Luke 24:50-51
Acts 1:1-11

It’s been 40 days since Resurrection Sunday.   The current date on the Hebrew calendar is the 29th day of Iyyar, (but at the time of Jesus life, I believe it was the month of Sivan) and while our “Resurrrection Day (Easter)” date changes depending on the lunar cycle, theirs does not.  (But – we are on Gregorian time so I will use that instead of trying to merge the two.  Flipping back and forth between them gets very confusing.) 

In +-33 A D during the 40 days between Resurrection and Ascension Jesus walked on earth….  Jesus appeared to his disciples at least twice in Jerusalem – once on the Sunday of his resurrection – and once a week later when Thomas was with them.  Later he appeared to them by the Sea of Galilee, after the disciples had been out fishing overnight – and had caught nothing. 

They didn’t argue with him when he told them to throw the net on the other side. Their act of obedience demonstrates complete trust. They could have retorted that it was preposterous to think there could be a catch of fish on one side versus the other – but they obeyed. Jesus could have filled their nets right where they were – but he didn’t. It was one more miracle for them to remember – a miracle of provision and care. Total trust. Total obedience. Lessons to pay attention to. 

And now he appears to them for the last time. John, interestingly, does not tell us about the ascension of Jesus. The disciples were back near Jerusalem, near Bethany. As you will recall, Bethany was on the flank of the Mount of Olives about 2 miles from Jerusalem. And from that mountain, near Bethany, where Jesus’ dear friends Mary, Martha and Lazarus lived, forty days after His resurrection Jesus ascended into heaven. (We actually know from Luke’s account in Acts that the site was only a Sabbath-day’s walk from the city, so it was not far – likely only about three-quarters of a mile, since that is the reported length of a Sabbath day’s walk….)

Jesus had brought reconciliation to Peter, given his disciples enough contact time to validate his resurrection, and now it was time to return to his place in heaven. His redemptive work on earth was completed, and in his final admonition he passed the torch. Matthew’s gospel records Jesus saying, “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” 

A dear, brilliant pastor friend of mine told me that the correct interpretation is not quite the same as ‘The Great Commission’ I grew up with – which was an absolute “Go ye into all the world and preach the gospel to every creature.” He says that the correct translation is “In your going, disciple.” 

Jesus knew they were going…. Persecution was on the horizon. They would be scattered – and with that scattering the compelling message of salvation was poured into human hands to be proclaimed to human hearts. 

There was just one last thing: They had to wait in Jerusalem until they received the promised gift of the Holy Spirit. It was not going to be long…just a ‘few’ days – well, ten, to be precise – but they didn’t know that!

I can’t resist one brief bunny trail. They were absolutely intransigent in their belief Jesus was going to set up an earthly kingdom – still. During the final forty days he was with them, he did indeed talk about His kingdom – but it was not a kingdom on earth – it was a kingdom in human hearts. Even after his death and resurrection, it appears they didn’t get it. His crown had been a crown of thorns. He had shed his blood to take away the sins of the world – and these good Jewish boys were still stuck on their own variety of kingdom-thinking. 

Not so very different from us. We want the ‘land flowing with milk and honey’ promises – the ‘God loves you and has a wonderful plan for your life’ of the seeker-friendly churches who make Christianity sound like living on Easy Street. I can tell you it isn’t going to be easy every step of the way – in fact, Satan is out to deter, deceive, destroy, devour, dissuade, discredit, and throw every detrimental dart possible to keep us from sticking to our commitment to Christ. He’s ruthless. He doesn’t want us to succeed in our Christian walk. He wages a spiritual battle against us every day!  Your enemy – the devil – goes around like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour….

But I have Good News. He who is in us is greater than he who is in the world. In Jesus’ last words to his disciples he told them he would never leave them or forsake them. While He could be in only one place at a time because of His physical limitation, the promised Holy Spirit – the Paracletos – the Comforter – could be everywhere at the same time. 

What an amazing God – that He came to redeem us, then made a way for us to have Him present with us, in us, beside us, before us, surrounding us every moment of every day – affirming His love for us, even in His discipline, even in the tough times. 

He rose from the supposed confines of a grave carved out of stone, then forty days later – at his ascension, rose again from earth through the skies. The disciples watched him go, their eyes piercing the sky hoping for one last glimpse, but He was hidden by a cloud. One more time angels deliver a message: “Men of Galilee,” they said, “why do you stand here looking into the sky? This same Jesus, who has been taken from you into heaven, will come back in the same way you have seen him go into heaven.” 

And He will – and the way things are progressing with prophecies being fulfilled so rapidly, the clock of time is winding down….  We are heading in and the End will not be pleasant – but the Lord has all of it in His very capable hands.    

Even so, come, Lord Jesus.

Wednesday, May 24, 2017



Last night I had the privilege of being present for CBN’s one-night-only presentation of IN OUR HANDS: The Battle for Jerusalem, which was a history lesson and re-enactment of the 6-day war in 1967.  It was marvelously educational, and a true tribute to the 50 year anniversary of the liberation of Jerusalem on May 23, 1967. 

Most of that escaped my attention at the time it occurred.  I was 21, very pregnant with my first child, focused on just surviving one day at a time – and at that point Israel wasn’t on my radar like it would come to be in later years. 

The movie was a dramatic portrayal of the events of that war, and heartbreakingly real.  Somehow when I previously heard the 6-Day War mentioned I viewed it as God miraculously stepping in and intervening without much loss of life – but lives were lost.  God certainly was in the process, but their victory came at a cost. 

Even though Israel officially became a country again in 1948, it was not until 1967 that they liberated the Old City, and were finally able to go back to the Western Wall, which represents the foundational area just outside the Second Temple, which had been destroyed in 70 A D.  It was an incredibly historic moment – and that reality is corroborated by the portrayals in the movie.   

For about half an hour their flag even waved from the top of the Dome of the Rock, but their military leader made them remove it for fear of upsetting the whole world.   Yet, we know from prophecy the day will come that the third temple will be built.  I don’t know how all of that is going to happen but I know God’s Word is true and that it will happen. 

We are seeing prophecies fulfilled at an alarming rate!   And because Satan knows his time is short he’s ramping up the hideous and horrible.  But he is not to be feared.  The worst that he can do is kill the body. 

Tuesday, May 23, 2017



In 2010 my daughter helped me figure out how to start this blog a few days into the Lenten season, and I promptly decided to use it as a Lenten journey spiritual discipline opportunity.   This year (2017), in reusing the 2010 blog entries, I did some editing – particularly to align dates from those early blog entries – and on days I didn’t write in 2010 I have filled in the blank spaces.  That is especially applicable to the period between Resurrection and Ascension.  I wrote a few entries that year – but did not commit to it being daily.  It is a long time to commit to write something daily!  40 days + the 6 Sundays of Lent; then 40 days from Resurrection to Ascension and another 10 days to Pentecost.  But doing it daily makes it real in a way that cannot be accomplished by any other means. 

That Jesus was alive again and walked on earth for those 40 additional days is compelling.  It couldn’t be passed off as a dream or illusion or fantasy or concoction.  We aren’t told exactly how many times he was seen, or how much time he spent with his disciples – but the evidence is clear.  Before his death I talked about ‘final words’ he shared – but he had multiple opportunities during this period of time to cement those words in their hearts and bolster their courage for standing faithfully through whatever would come in the future. 

He was (and is) the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end.  The author and finisher of our faith.  The Great I AM! 

Today is my cousin LaRene's 95th birthday!  I was named after her mother, so feel an extra-special connection to Lola's children!  Happy birthday, cuz!  May God bless your day with many joys!  Wish I could be there!  

Monday, May 22, 2017


End Times

We’re here – in the End Times, because Jesus’ coming was the transition that marked the beginning of that period of time in human history – but what we find more compelling in our current facet of that journey is the incredible fulfillment of prophecies that Jesus said would lead up to His Second Coming.  There is so much information that we are provided – and yet so much we are not meant to know….   What we do know is that God has it all in His hands, and we can trust Him.  My view has to be focused into eternity – not on the temporal.  Easily said.  More challenging to do. 

When I face times of challenge I know He alone is the answer.  He alone is my defender.  He alone is whom I am ultimately accountable to – but He establishes hierarchies I am instructed to honor.  And I will….

There is a poem my dad quoted often, written by Ella Wheeler Wilcox.  It has been very present on my mind through my time of recent distress:

One ship sails east, another west
By the self-same winds that blow
‘Tis the set of the sails and not the gale
That determines the way they go.

Like the winds of the sea are the waves of fate
As we journey on through life
‘Tis the set of the soul that determines the goal
And not the calm nor strife.

(My apologies to Ella if either my dad or I misremembered the wording.)

As we head into the brewing storms – whether the final events of history or the ones brewing to try to distract and divert us – we need to remember the only One who can calm the storm – or calm us in it!

Lord, help me keep my sail set toward You!  Thank you for bearing our sorrows with us and calming us in the storm!  My comfort, my shelter, tower of refuge and strength…thank You!

Sunday, May 21, 2017


Revelation 19

(I have used all of my recycled 2010 entries....  From now on all of them are fresh unless specifically stated to be otherwise!)

I have stated many times that God is worthy of our praise and worship no matter what our circumstances. 

I have had to put that into action the past few days.  I have also had to remind myself that Satan crafts his assaults on us for maximum effect – and that people are not the enemy – he is!   But it is crystal clear that he attacks us in the areas that are most precious to us.  He really is a louse.

I can tell myself that this experience is an opportunity to understand just a wee bit of what Jesus felt when he was betrayed by Judas Iscariot and denied by his buddy Peter – and know that He felt the human emotions of that pain – even though He knew it was coming because He was God and knew all things.  

I can tell myself God is my Defender, and He will work it out.  He will.

I can tell myself all things work together for good for those who love the Lord and are called according to His purpose.  It does.  

I have told myself lots of things  – but I still have to grapple with the pain and subsequent tears….  Sometimes life dishes up lemons.  Anyone for a glass of lemonade? 

In every difficulty we should assess whether we are where God wants us to be and if we are being attacked because we are interfering with Satan’s plans – or if it is God’s wake-up call to ‘get out of the kitchen if we can’t handle the flames.’  That is where I am grappling at the moment.  I want clarity and have not acquired it yet. 

This too shall pass.    

He is worthy of my praise no matter what my circumstances.  Praise the LORD!

Wednesday, May 17, 2017


Over the years, in addition to those I’ve located, my collection has grown due to contributions from others. Those that were gifts remind me of the person and the gift of their friendship and love – and also of the Gift of love God gave us in His Son when Jesus came to earth to bring us salvation. They also remind me that WE are God’s Gift to Jesus – His inheritance. The cost he paid so dearly on the cross was for us, and we are his prize – his inheritance. 

Those that are from friends remind me of the gift of lessons I’ve learned from my friends. One example is “The 5 year plan.” At one juncture when I was deliberating between two seemingly important events, my friend Cathie advised me to determine which I would do based on which one would still matter in 5 years. Too often, our lives are dictated by the urgent instead of the important, and that little lesson has helped me make the better choice a number of times. 

In early December one year when I had to choose between going to choir practice or to my son-in-law’s 30th birthday party, I chose family. 5 years hence no one will remember if I was at choir that night or not – even though it was when we were practicing for our Christmas cantata, which definitely was important. But – my son-in-law will most likely remember – and my daughter certainly will – that I made the choice to prioritize him that December 2. And if they don’t, I do. On the other hand, I don’t have a clue what the songs were for that particular Christmas.


During the first 29 years of collecting I never imagined potato mashers being something God could use, but that just proves his resourcefulness. I’ve learned that God uses everything that’s ever happened to us for his good if we are willing to let him. He even redeems the bad things that happen and uses it to allow us to help others for His glory. 

God uses visuals to teach. Remember what God said to Moses, “What is that in your hand?” And then God used what Moses had – which was his walking stick – as an object lesson. 

Jesus also used the mundane to teach. One of my favorites is in Matthew 11:28-30, where his invitation to his hearers was, “Come to me all you who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart; and you will find rest for your souls, for my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 

His hearers would have understood immediately what he was offering, because they knew what a yoke was and the way it was used. They saw it as a visual before them in their everyday life. They knew that a stronger, older ox was always yoked with a younger, inexperienced one so the stronger one could bear the greater strain of the burden they pulled, and be a teacher to the inexperienced younger one. Isn’t it wonderful to know that once you have accepted Him as Savior, Jesus is right there in the yoke with you - bearing the greater part of the burden? 

More than once someone has said to me, “God will not give you more than you can handle.” And I tell them, “He has given me more than I could handle multiple times – but He will never give me more than He can handle" – and I find peace in knowing that. Max Lucado says, “Sometimes He calms the storm. Sometimes He calms His child in the storm.” I know from experience that sometimes you just have to hold on for dear life and know He is there because His Word declares He is, though you can’t feel His presence at all. Our walk is a journey of faith, not of feeling, and that’s good, because feelings are very often unreliable. They can’t be trusted.



Mt St Helen's First Eruption: May 18, 1980 

Today marks the thirty-seven year anniversary of the eruption of Mt St Helen’s in Southwest Washington. While the 37-year remembrance of the dramatic and devastating eruption is still compelling, what was most personally compelling to me then – and remains tender to me now – is God’s incredible protection in that event. 

Fifty-seven people were killed on that Sunday in mid-May 37 years ago. One of the men was from Montesano, where we lived. It was terribly tragic – and touched all of us. All these years later, I no longer remember his name…just how sad we were for his family.

The only name I recall of those who were killed was a man named Harry Truman, a man of the mountain who refused to leave his home – even in the face of warnings that something monumental was brewing. 

And – even in the face of ‘something-about-to-transpire’ there were active logging operations on the mountain occurring. Fortunately, because it was a Sunday, those operations were not active that day.  That is the foundation for the reason I felt – and feel – so tenderly touched by God’s protection!   If Mt St Helen’s had erupted a day later my husband would have been among the dead.  It was chilling to realize that then. It is with incredible gratitude that I remember it now. He would have been in the blast zone. He was scheduled to go visit His company’s active logging show Monday, May 19.  Just one day later.  The loss of lives was very sad – but it would have been absolutely horrific if all of the logging crews had been on the mountain. Many more lives would have been lost. It’s shocking when we think what a difference one day can make. 

I remember the photos of trees incinerated – and others that lay like gray toothpicks in distinct patterns determined by the horrific powerful wind that spewed out and reverberated off of the surrounding hills – cutting swaths of trees, flattening, directing, twisting them according to its whim. I remember seeing the effects of the ash in Yakima where several inches of the gray ash settled, and I remember 1 week later on the following Sunday morning – another eruption that blew west instead of east – and coated Montesano with an inch of that same gray ash. It was eerie to wake up that morning and have it dark and dismal with an encroaching shroud different than just gray weather brings. It felt very ‘other-world’ and bizarre to be engulfed in the grayness that sifted down upon us.   

I feel incredible gratitude for these thirty-seven years. I am incredibly thankful to God for His protection of this wonderful man who is good, kind, loving – and definitely worth loving. Thankful that God has repeatedly given me what I need – instead of what I deserve. Thankful for his grace, mercy and love. Thankful He truly is with us always – to the very end of the earth….


I have fond memories of a Singspiration I helped coordinate that was held on May 16, 2010.  It was precious.   Reusing my blog entries from 2010 is allowing me an opportunity to relive many special memories gleaned that year.  This is one of those memories!

I didn’t count exactly how many people came, but I think there were about 25 of us, based on the number of chairs set up – but it wasn’t about numbers. It was absolutely beautiful seeing people’s faces. I fought tears all the way through. There was a sweet, sweet presence – and singing the old songs of our faith together was very dear. It is our love language – the songs of faith we sang at our spiritual birth and through our formative years. 

I was very, very tired. I didn’t get enough sleep the night before because the dog awakened me just after 2:30 a m barking vociferously at the coyotes. And – I was poignantly aware that one man I had hoped would be there ‘one more time’ for our Singspiration was not there. Phil Wayman, age 88, who was soon to go be with the Lord, was in Sunday School two weeks prior to that – but his body was giving out – and his spirit was eager to be with the Lord. 

Knowing he was a dying man, he set about to use his final moments on this earth very intentionally. The report this week was that during this past week, he called a man he had tried to lead to the Lord 50 years before. Phil said his piece – told the man this was a message from a dying man – and hung up. His hearing isn’t good, and he couldn’t hear what the other fellow said back. 

About an hour later, the fellow’s brother called to tell Phil that his brother had called him after Phil called, and that he had given his heart to the Lord. What an inspiration. Phil is eager to get to heaven – but he wants to take as many people with him as he can. And what a message of tenacity. He had prayed for the man off and on over the years – and in his declining moments – sharing eternity was on his mind. When Phil steps across the threshold to his eternal reward he will definitely hear, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” 

We are each called to different ministries, different opportunities. I can’t imagine doing what Phil did – but who knows? I’ve done some pretty bizarre things I suppose – they just didn’t seem like they were bizarre at the time. When I feel the Holy Spirit compel me, I cannot say no….

Even though I was tired, the songs sung in community energized me. It was a beautiful moment – now a shared memory. 

Thank you, Lord, for Christian community. Thank you for voices raised together in heartfelt praise. Where 2 or 3 are gathered together in your name, there you are in the midst of them. Thank you! In our going, help us disciple….

Tuesday, May 16, 2017


Matthew 11:28-30

(Happy birthday, Alli)

In reference to the unique “double” masher I featured on May 11 when I told the “frog” story – there are a couple of other things that specific masher reminds me of: One – it reminds me of ‘jumping to conclusions’ – which is sometimes the only exercise I get. Two, it reminds me of people who are full of energy. My friend Mary Beth is one of those people. God gave her more energy than any one woman should ever have. She absolutely runs circles around me. And – my youngest granddaughter is another of those bouncy people with incredible energy – and she keeps us in stitches with the funny and clever things she comes up with. One of those memorable ones was this:

My daughter decided that they were going to have a new rule in their house that they would speak calmly and never raise their voices – but soon after that declaration, she was in the car with her girls, and the eldest one – who had perfected arguing to an art form at that age – pushed one too many buttons and my daughter raised her voice. Immediately her 3-year-old piped up with, “Mommy, We could pray for you right now that Jesus would take that yucky sin away from you.” 

One of Al’s favorites was when she was staying with us when she was 2. I had let her go play at her Auntie’s house for a while, and when I went to pick her up, I said she didn’t need to be seat-belted into her car seat because we were only going about 500 feet from Auntie’s house to our house (on a lane on our private property). She was not accustomed to that freedom, and knowing she’d be safe, I thought she’d enjoy it. However, as I drove into the garage, she exclaimed dramatically, with obvious relief, “Thank God. We made it.” 

Monday, May 15, 2017



[One of the many gifts God gives us is friendship.  Today is the birthday of my slightly younger very dear friend, Eunice!  Happy birthday, sister-friend!  It is also the birthday of my lots younger friend, Evelyne.  Happy birthday, little sis.  Love you both!]  

Jeremiah 29:11

My featured masher for today is a reminder of God’s perpetual care – His watchful eye that always has what is ultimately best for us in view. Sometimes I have to accept that concept on faith. It doesn’t ‘feel’ like he’s paying attention. Life’s hurts have made me feel on occasion that my ship was going to sink. And at the end of my rope, he’s been there . . . teaching me ultimately that he deserves our praise and worship no matter what our circumstances. Until we come to complete reliance on him, we cannot understand his care. He has made promises that he cannot break. Even when we are faithless, he is faithful. 

It is through being crushed that we learn we have no strength of our own – and that we are totally dependent on Him. 

The masher I am referring to – one of my largest mashers – is from a navy ship. It would take someone very strong to wield it – in fact, it provides a whole new perspective of ‘K P duty’. It elicits an awareness of the powerful strength it would take to use it – and the powerful strength of the armed forces that protect us. Too often we take that care for granted – and we often also take God’s care and provision for us for granted. 

Unfortunately the time we actually pay attention is when we think he has let us down. 

I learned a good lesson about that several years ago. It is not uncommon when tragedy strikes to want to ask, “Why me?” But – I had learned in one specific very difficult circumstance that I needed to ask, “Why not me?” I wouldn’t wish it on someone else, certainly, and if bad things happen – even to nice people – why not to me?

Not long after that little insight, I heard about a head coach from Boise State University who reiterated the same sentiment. When he was interviewed about his diagnosis of cancer at such a young age, he was specifically asked, “Don’t you wonder, ‘Why me?’ “ And his reply was, “Why not me?” 

It is a question that releases us from self-pity. We live in a fallen world. Bad things happen. We have a choice, we can blame God – say the ‘Navy’ wasn’t there and we were left unprotected – or we can choose to accept that his care for us is viewed from a different perspective – to change metaphors – that it is like a tapestry being woven – and no matter how pretty the colors, the pattern has to have some black in it for the colors to pop. We only see the backside of that tapestry where the threads are tangled and knotted and in wild disarray – but he sees the front – sees the beauty of a life lived intentionally for him – and he is the one with the needle in his hand, weaving – for ultimate beauty. 

All the while – not just watching over us, but walking through every circumstance with us. He is not a distant God. In our pain he is there. He promised, and his promises are true. We can sleep more soundly knowing our military is on guard – and, more importantly,  we can rest in the assurance that God holds all of our future in his hands – that he protects us from the evil one. His care is the ultimate in care.

Our battle is not one of flesh and blood. It is a spiritual battle. And the wonderful thing is, He’s already won. Just before Jesus died on the cross, he proclaimed , “It is finished.” Everything that needed to be done for our salvation was complete. Satan is fighting tooth and nail as long as he remains the ‘prince of the power of the air’ – and if it seems he and his minions are working overtime in these closing days of time, they are. Satan knows prophecy. He knows his time is short. 

It is easy to look at the circumstances of life and be discouraged – the petty politics, the financial crises and insurmountable debt, patent disregard for God by so many…. The list is endless. I wonder how God can stand it – and sometimes I wonder how awful it will get before he says ‘enough’ and destroys this earth to prepare for the promised new heaven and earth. 

It is in that darkest moment of wondering that I am calmed by knowing He is my protector. I can trust Him. My life and times are in his hands…. What he tells us in Matthew 11:28-30 is to cast all our cares on Him because he cares. It is a daily reminder! We can know that intellectually, but we need to fully absorb it. I need to fully absorb it. I can trust him. That’s the bottom line. I’ve staked my life on Him. I am a child of his grace. No matter what the storm, he is in the boat with me. And with you! Go in His grace sounds sweeter when we hear it through the filter of the sacrifice he made. He loves us! He cares! He lives to make intercession for us! What an amazing, wonderful God.