Wednesday, March 5, 2025


 I have not committed (yet) to write every day during Lent - but I at least have to start!

 My Bible Reading for today was John 1. In the beginning God....  Just like Genesis 1:1, an affirmation that God is the Creator, that He was there in the beginning, and is with us still. And one of the joys of the Lenten journey is that we know the end of the story! We know that no man has seen God at any time - but that Jesus made the Father known to us by God Himself taking on flesh and coming to be born as a baby so we could relate to Him. So - even if we come broken, battered, bruised...God is here with us.

It was touching to see several people on T V today with ashes smeared across their foreheads - honoring the day: the beginning of Lent! 

For each of us - whether we observe that tradition or not - I pray this will be a wonderful time of reflection and renewal.

If you do not have a Lenten journey reading plan, one option is to purchase an online version of the book, LEAD ME TO THE CROSS by Lola Rice Cain, on Amazon. Or, just choose a couple of books of the Gospels to read throughout the 40 days, and ask the Holy Spirit to teach you. That is the most profitable option. One on one with God. I highly recommend that as a discipline.

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