Saturday, November 27, 2010


I learned something this week! It was an Aha! moment. In Sunday School Class we are studying the Bible with the focus of seeing where we are right now in the progression of the 'end times' - - with the intent of seeing events through that filter.

The first thrust of that focus has been centered in a comparison of the parables of Matthew 13 (the first 7 of Jesus' parables) and the seven churches of Revelation (Chapters 1-3).

It was in re-reading Matthew 13 yesterday that my Aha! moment occurred. The Parable of the Sower (as it is titled, and as Jesus references it) has previously struck me as being more appropriately 'The Parable of the Soils.' After all, it is the receptiveness of the different types of soil which represent the receptiveness of peoples' hearts and minds. I've even noted that my soil conditions can vary from one time to another in how much I absorb.

But - in reading this passage this week, what jumped out at me was that the sower sowed no matter what kind of soil it was.... He could have been very selective where he sowed. He wasn't. He cast the seed - did his part - without caution. It spoke volumes to me. Too often I have hid behind the 'Don't throw your pearls before swine' notion - - not wanting to speak up about my faith if it was within what I perceived to be a non-receptive group. I still believe that is something to be considered under the parameters of the leading of the Holy Spirit - - but what I realized yesterday was that I don't have to pre-determine the receptiveness of the soil.

Freely I have received. Freely I must give. It needs to come naturally out of my life and relationship to God, whether I am in a receptive situation or not.

So - with that lesson noted, last night I attended a 'party' I was invited to - and in visiting with 2 lovely ladies, it came up that I had left my former church. Our visit began with my affirmation of how cute the hat was that one lady was wearing. She's a 'red-hatter.' I said, When I was at my [former church] I wore my hats. I love my hats. But I could never do that where I am attending now. That's when she said "I didn't know you left." And I was asked why - so I explained about the theological differences that caused me to make that decision. I could tell one lady was very receptive to hearing what I had to say, and one was not. But - I was just reporting. So I continued.

I explained that God is the one who made the rules - not me - and that He was who had decided that Jesus was the only way to God. God couldn't save through any other way. He had already established that as the parameter. I wasn't being narrow. I didn't make the rule - - but I had to go by what the Bible teaches....

Seeing the one lady's pursed lips - - I knew she was holding back what she might have said - but, finally she said, "I would make a good Jew. I believe in God, but I don't believe in Jesus." And then she asked, "If Jesus was so important, why did they lose him for all those years?" She related that she used to even teach Sunday School, but one time she asked her pastor about events related to Jesus' birth - and he told her that the Christmas Story was just 'made up' - so she stopped believing and never believed again.

Our discussion progressed to my sharing a little of my personal testimony - - how I had walked away from my faith for a couple of years - - but in my moment of deepest hurt and despair when I was on the verge of miscarrying the baby I was carrying I cried out to God, "IF you are there, IF you exist, if you will save this baby, I will recommit my life to you." He did - and I did.

I told her, "It's O K if you don't believe. It's your choice. But - there are over 700 prophecies in the Old Testament that point to Jesus, and He fulfills every one of them." I also suggested that if she really wanted to know, God was up to the challenge....

I had no idea where she stood in her views or her faith when the conversation began. I wasn't trying to offend. It just came up naturally in conversation. I didn't try to determine the receptivity of the soil before casting seed.

I want so desperately to not offend - - but when I stand before the LORD who created heaven and earth, I don't want to offend HIM for not sharing His story!

I am a child of God's grace - - absolutely unworthy - - but washed in the blood of the lamb. When God sees me, he sees me through the filter of His Son - - through the blood Jesus shed as our sacrifice for sin. He took the punishment so we don't have to. What an amazing GOD - - that He would choose to come to earth - - God incarnate - - and take on human form, then die for the created to pay the penalty sin demands.

I believe in Jesus! What He did for me is unbelievable, unfathomable. We are saved by grace through faith in Christ alone.... The promised Messiah came as a babe to Bethlehem. He came to draw men to Him. Proclaimed himself as God, not just another prophet as some religions promote. He died. He took his life up again in glorious resurrection. He lives! His kingdom is in mens' hearts. He is Savior! He is LORD!!!!

Last night after I came home from the party my human concern leaped straight to: I hope I didn't offend her. And - it's true. I would rather not offend - - but I realize that when we speak the truth - - even in love - - some people will be. But - - what if there is a tiny seed planted? What if in the interest of finding out someone goes to their Bible and starts reading? What if we can be a catalyst? One plants, one waters, one harvests. I may not get to see the end result - but I do need to be faithful in my little corner of the world.... It is my job to sow....

Lord, I know you love this lovely lady so much that you died for her. Reveal yourself to her. As I told her, I can't be her Holy Spirit!!! But you can!!!!

1 comment:

  1. :-) So glad you are willing to share...the rest is up to God!
