Tuesday, January 4, 2011


I didn't write even once in December - and now January is already marching on with gusto!

So - to the approximately 3 people who actually read these missives - - HAPPY NEW YEAR! I LOVE new beginnings - - at least the beginning of a new year. Beginning over on a sewing project or something of that nature, not so much....

And what a fun year for ones! 2011! On 1-1-11 at 11:11 I gave my 3 granddaughters who were here an ice cream treat (yes, before lunch) to celebrate all the 1's - - 1 represents a new beginning better than anything else - - and we had a whole line of ones to celebrate!

I didn't write during the Christmas Season because I was up to my gills without writing. There were lots of good things - - but even so, in the weeks leading up to Christmas my heart was heavy for those who had lost loved ones who were far too young this last year - - especially one man who lost the love of his life.... My spirits lifted the day after Christmas - and I am so grateful for the reprieve.

I still haven't written our Christmas letter - - but will get to that soon! I am busy, busy, busy working on a different writing project - - I hope to be able to share more about that soon!

1 comment:

  1. I'm glad to hear from you - I was beginning to worry. I know that life can be so busy, but we are in our Golden Years and need to take life a little more easier. We had a houseful of family for our Christmas dinner - it was a good time for all who could come.
