Saturday, December 31, 2011


After reading Ezekiel, because it was Christmas season, I focused on some of the prophecies that foretold the birth of the Messiah, which were all fulfilled by the birth of Yeshua (Jesus).

Next I was drawn to read the book of Daniel. What great timing. (Thank you, Lord.) I had been fighting discouragement over circumstances I don't have a solution for - and I needed to re-read Daniel! There were a couple of other recent reminders of all I have to be thankful for - but Daniel reminds me that God is Sovereign, is on His throne, and everything is in His very capable hands. I may not prefer His timing - but I can trust Him!

This morning God reminded me that I had not accessed a tool I have often encouraged for others: and that is, simply telling Satan, "Get behind me" when thoughts that are definitely not from God assail. I readily attributed my dismay over this situation to being 'human', and didn't address the reality of seeing God at work - even through difficult circumstances.

So - let's look at Daniel. He was of the nobility in Jerusalem. He was from the tribe of Judah. The King of Judah was Jehoiakim. We aren't told his relationship to the royals, but we do know that the young men who were captured and taken to Babylon were of the royal and noble families (1:3).

Daniel could have been legitimately diverted to many other paths of action - but the one he chose was absolute faithfulness to God, and incorporated within that, faithfulness to serving King Nebuchadnezzar, except when the King's demands thwarted God's requirements.

Daniel makes for exciting reading! My chapter for today was chapter 4. We read these stories knowing the outcome, but Daniel lived them. Even with his enormous commitment and confidence in God, he was human, and faced the struggles associated with his calling - but he was faithful! Hooray Daniel! Thank you for your witness to courage, to faithfulness, to loving the Lord and honoring Him in spite of circumstances! I'm looking forward to meeting you in heaven!

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the middle of reading Daniel right now myself! I LOVE it! He seems like a "chill" guy. No big deal, that's fine, you wanna throw me in a den with lions, ok, I don't care, because I'm serving God. I would be FREAKING out. I guess that's why he made it into the Bible, and I didn't ;) God's best servants have complete trust in Him, they don't fear!
