Sunday, April 8, 2012


The gaping mouth of the cave at Banias (Caesaria Philippi) was called 'The Gates of Hell'. This was where Jesus and His disciples were when He asked them, "Who do men say that I am?" Peter answered, "You are the Messiah, the Son of the Living God." Jesus affirmed that to be true and said on the truth of that statement He would build His church. He also said that 'the gates of hell' would not prevail against it....

The Gates of Hell area at Caesarea Philippi is surrounded by commemorations to other 'gods' that were their objects of worship. Yet, Jesus made it clear that nothing would prevail against His Truth. He didn't say they wouldn't try. They will and have and do - - but there is nothing, nothing, nothing that can prevail. It is finished. We know the end of the story! He is risen! He is risen indeed!

Our Senior Pastor shared a story both Wednesday at First Wednesday Prayer, and this morning. It was a story I had already planned to share today - - and his sharing it just reaffirms that! It is the story of the grave clothes in the empty tomb. John tells us in Chapter 20 that when he went into the tomb he saw the linen cloths - and the face cloth (napkin) folded up in a place by itself. It wasn't very many years ago that I learned the significance of that observation. It is a detail I absolutely love!

In Jewish culture, after dinner it was the custom for the Master of the house to wad his napkin and leave it if he was finished eating so the household staff would know it was time to clear the table. However, if the Master was just getting up for a bit and coming back to complete his meal, then he would fold his napkin and leave it at his place as an unspoken message that he was returning. The folded napkin to them meant, "I am coming back."

I love the detail! He had told them clearly before His death - but even at the resurrection, He gave them a signal they would understand. It was a significant message!

Later that Sunday He appeared to His disciples. He just suddenly showed up in a room where they were hidden behind locked doors. A stone tomb couldn't hold Him; a locked door couldn't keep Him out! His first words to them were, "Peace be with you." What indescribable joy! He conquered the worst Satan could do. He conquered death! He lives! He lives! Yeshua ha Meshiach (Jesus Messiah) lives today!!!! King of Kings and Lord of Lords! Hallelujah! He is risen!

MAJESTY by Lola Cain, 1996; adapted 2009

“A King who ruled in majesty”

That’s what people wanted him to be!

No crown of thorns or whip of shame

No cross on which to bear our blame

No nails, no spear, no agony

No death upon a criminal’s tree

No burial in a borrowed grave

…No resurrection power to save!

Thank God for his eternal plan

for justifying fallen man

Providing atoning sacrifice

Sending his Son to pay the price.

Coming incarnate to earth to die

He redeemed His created from Satan’s lie

Thank you, Sacrificial Lamb

…for overriding the will of man.

The veil was rent! God’s plan complete!

We now can worship at his feet!

We enter his presence unafraid

by the blood that Jesus shed to save!

Thank the LORD, he rose again

victory over death to win

Thank Father, Son and Holy Ghost

…the anthem sung by the heavenly host!

“He’s risen,” we shout. “HE’S RISEN INDEED!”

The cornerstone of our Christian creed

And coming once, he’ll come again

God’s promised victory over sin

“It’s finished,” his final words on the cross

Our redemption sealed. Our salvation bought.

Now he reigns eternally

…what both God and man wanted him to be…


Thank You, LORD! Love, Lola

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