Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Happy Birthday Greetings!

Because of Facebook, primarily, I have received a plethora of birthday greetings.  Yes, it is true, today I am 67.

Being the ever-Mr-Spontaneous non-planner, my sweet husband asked me this morning what I wanted to do for my birthday.  I decided on a movie.  I heard that "The Last Ounce of Courage" is a must see - - so, even though the trailer includes the information that part of the story includes a family losing a loved one in war, I want to go see if it is all it is purported to be.  It just came out on the 14th, and I know if I want to see it, I must do it soon....  Good movies don't always stay at the box office long....

But - - his question triggered even deeper thoughts.  What do I want to do today?

I have always wanted to 'make a difference' in the world.  I still want that!  My expectations of what that means have changed - - but I want to leave the world a better place.

I have given my children a better life than I had (by God's grace).  That was at the top of the list.  I have touched others' lives and they have touched mine.  I know that being here has mattered.  But I'm not finished yet. 

I want to be faithful to share my faith.  Part of my exit strategy for heading toward the final goal is to take more people with me.  I have been too cautious about doing that.  There is always that nagging little voice of caution that people may not be ready to hear - - to look for the teachable moment....  But what I am realizing is that I have to create the opportunities for those moments.  And - - I have to accept that some people will reject the message and me - - that has happened before.  But - for those who are willing to hear - - what a joy for both of us, them and me, to share God's story of the most amazing gift the world has ever been offered. 

God sent His only birthed Son into the world to give eternal life to all who would accept Him.  That's John 3:16 in a nutshell, and it is the Gospel - - the Good News for people everywhere.  There is no other way to Heaven except through Jesus.  Jesus is the only way.  And God provides that way as His gift.  In fact, even though it is hard for people to understand, it was God Himself who became a man - - and took on flesh to become the sacrifice sin demands.  His gift.  His offer to imperfect man.  His salvation.  And He did it for each of us!  What an amazing God.

If anyone happens to pop in to read this, Jesus died for you!!!!  But His death would have meant nothing had He not been raised again from the dead.  He was!  On the third day, Jesus rose from the dead, and was seen by many people before He ascended into Heaven.  And - - He is coming again!  There is so much more....but an eternity with Him is the ultimate prize. 

The time of His coming could be very close.   All the signs of the times point to that being true.  The one thing that keeps me from longing for that day is that there are lots of people I know who haven't made a commitment to accept Jesus.  I don't want people I have known to stand before God one day, point at me and say, "You never told me."  What we each do with the message of God's truth is our business.  We can accept Jesus or reject Him - - but for those who have never heard the story, I want them to hear. 

There is a lot that matters to me - - but that matters more than anything else....  I want to make a difference for eternity....

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