Friday, October 12, 2012


We were promised 'change' when President Obama took office.  What we have learned in the intervening years is that the change he champions is Socialism  - - and for the United States to submit to International Law above our own laws.  

He came into office claiming to be a Christian - but nothing he has done so far supports that claim.  He even abandoned the annual "National Day of Prayer" celebration at the Capitol. 

Yesterday I posted an article written by a man named Mychal Massie.  I'd never heard of him before - - but I checked him out online and found that the article was correctly attributed.  I felt his view was worth passing along for others to consider, and I sent it as an email forward to all of my family, and several friends, in addition to posting it on my blog.   

Most of the responses I received were positive, though one wasn't.  I thought I was sending it to people who'd agree with me, and that it would just be a nudge to be sure to vote if we care.... I misjudged that with one friend.   

One of my concerns is that the 'change' that has been promised will come because of apathy and the failure of thinking people to get out and vote!  

I am disillusioned with politics in general - - but believe we still have to try!  Sometimes a vote is for the lesser of 2 evils.  Sometimes it is against an ideology that could destroy us.  This year that is what we face.  I also believe that if you don't vote you don't have a right to complain.  So I vote!

One of the people who responded to my email forward said a lot I won't reprint here, but this statement impaled me:

"I have heard every word that comes out of his (President Obama's) mouth, and every word is rooted in communism and socialism.   I know because I have heard it all before.  When the military comes to the HS, middle schools and elementary schools to take our children’s textbooks and replace them with communist and socialist propaganda then it will be too late. I hope it doesn't get to that, but I believe that’s where we are heading."

This friend lived it.  My friend's country of origin became Communist.  My friend lived through Communism, and states, "I know in my bones what type of "change" this president has in mind for this country.  I wish people would wake up, look past the confusion, the smokescreen that's there only to camouflage the real intentions of this man...."

Anyone listening????


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