Saturday, October 22, 2011


What a chapter! I could easily write more and say less! The first sentence draws me in: "In the last days there will be times of difficulty." Do you think?

My mind first leaps to the disasters that have occurred and then the deception and violence that pervade our world, but immediately Paul lists the sins of man - not the disasters that will occur.

There are a couple of important things to note in reading the New Testament - and Paul. First, the 'end times' essentially began with Jesus' resurrection - - so we've been in the end times for +- 1978 years, which makes us 1978 years closer to His second coming. Jesus' apostles believed Christ would return in their lifetime. Just want us to be clear on that....the end times are not reserved just to us - though we're certainly closer to the end....and there are prophecies being fulfilled in our day that compel us to pay attention to the very end of the end times.

In fact, according to the guy who missed the date in May, yesterday was supposed to be the real end. For some people it was. I am very aware prophecy is being fulfilled at a rapid rate, and that 'the end' could happen any moment - but I have to be far more aware that my personal 'end' of being in this world is one I can count on - and I live and believe brief rabbit trail for today....

Among Paul's admonitions to Timothy in Chapter 3, he urges him to read what we now call The Old Testament. He calls them the sacred writings. Those writings comprised all there was of scripture in Paul's day, and he reminds Timothy that it was God-breathed and profitable for teaching, reproof, correction, and training in righteousness, with the goal being that the man of God would be well trained: competent and equipped for every good work.

The Old Testament is a road map that points the way to Christ. The New Testament is a mirror that reflects Him. We need both to gain a broader understanding of who God is. We are so blessed to have the written Word. It truly is sharper than any two-edged sword. It is alive. God speaks to me through His Word, and reveals what He wants me to work on to be more conformed to His image. Still a work in progress.

Today's reading encourages me to be strong in the Lord - to remain steadfast no matter what the circumstances - and I know I can only do that through His grace and mercy, relying on His Spirit to be my strength and guide! Stay tuned....

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