Wednesday, October 5, 2011


We introduced a new chorus to the 8 a m worshipers on Sunday morning. It was one my friend sang in her former church in Oregon. It is simple, singable, and it has been been lilting through my mind over and over since learning it.

He is good, He is good
His love endures forever
Give thanks to the Lord, for He is good

He is good, He is good
His love endures forever
Give thanks, for He is good.

Our last time singing it through we sang it to the Lord, not just about Him.

You are good, You are good
Your love endures forever
We give thanks to You, Lord, for You are good

You are good, You are good
Your love endures forever
We give thanks, for You are good

I love music! And I love choruses that proclaim His praises.

He is good. He defines good. Good rests in His hands, and flows through Him. The very definition of good is by His standard. There is no other.

You are good, Lord. Help me be conformed more and more to Your image.

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