Friday, December 29, 2023


My husband and I rarely go to a movie - but this evening we went to see the 6:20 showing of THE BOYS IN THE BOAT at the Regal Cinema in Lacey. The draw for us was that he, our eldest daughter and son-in-law, and two of their children attended The University of Washington so it was personal. What a delightfully well-done movie. And what a treat to get to see it on the big screen! I highly recommend it if you like heart-warming, come-from-behind, against-all-odds, pull-yourselves-up-by-the-bootstraps movies. It was all of that and more! 

The movie rewarded us with an opportunity to relive history. It was so authentically portrayed that I marveled at the director's success in the representation of the era and retelling of the story of true grit and success achieved - but I don't want to give the story away. I will just say it is well worth the price of admission! 

Today is the 5th day of Christmas. Another day to be thankful, to reflect, and, like Mary, to wonder and 'store up these things' in our hearts. the One and only true God, who bore the unspeakable name YHWH, Jehovah, Wonderful Counselor, Almighty God, the Everlasting Father, the Prince of Peace, came to earth to be raised by a humble couple who were willing to endure the price of being wrongly labeled and misunderstood, but in spite of that knew that they had been visited by angels, and carried themselves with the assurance that the son they raised was God's own Son. What a marvelous mystery! 

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