Monday, July 11, 2011

Day 16 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 8, 2011, Spooky

A lot of Spooky was narrow. Very narrow. To fit through the narrow slots, we had to ditch our packs, and squish through sideways, the canyon rubbing both our front and our back simultaneously. Needless to say, a lot of people can't go in very far. They said that if you get claustrophobia you shouldn't do Spooky, but as long as I have fresh air I'm O K. Another thing that probably helped is that we were alone in the canyon. There weren't many places to pass...and I hate to think what would happen if someone actually got stuck.... But - for us it was fun! Looking at some of the areas we had to go through, it seemed impossible - but we made it!

We didn't go on down to the next slot canyon, which is named Brimstone. It is more technical and requires mountaineering skills I don't possess. We thought about going in as far as we were comfortable - but it is a destination hike for the hearty, and we had lots of other slots to explore!

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