Reading for Friday, March 19
Mark 12:41-44
Luke 21:1-4
What a contrast from what we read yesterday. Yesterday Jesus excoriated the teachers of the law and Pharisees, telling us how they put on a show of being religious but devour widow's houses....
And today he gives us a glimpse into giving all. Only he would have known that what the widow gave was all she had. The lesson in this isn't disparaging what the wealthy gave - but the contrast. In reality, if all she had left was a fraction of a penny, she wasn't going to live long on that anyway - but what this gift reflects is an attitude and a model for us. Truly all we have is the Lord's - a gift from His hand. We are stewards. Our resources - whatever they are - are to be at His disposal - or else we make them our security and our god. It is 'living on the edge' when we submit all to Him.
I awoke this morning before light crept onto the horizon - and my first thoughts were of a young couple and their 3 little children who just left Sunday to be missionaries to the Philippines. Gabe Bagtas was a pastor in the Philippines for 7 years. Crystal committed her life wholly to the Lord, and God's call led her to the Philippines. She and Gabe met, fell in love, and were married. Together they committed to live their lives at God's bidding - and that call led them to the U S for more training - and now back to the Philippines to fulfill the call.
I attended the fundraising event that they held at FAL February 5. Their bare bones budget required that they have +-$1200./month to live in the Philippines with their 3 kids - plus they needed funds to build a house - and because of termites, it was going to have to be a steel-frame structure, which would cost about $100,000. (if memory serves me correctly). They raised about $2,000 that night toward their house - and I asked Gabe very pointedly how much they had totally. His reply was $8,000 from his job at the mushroom farm, and the +-$2,000. donated at their fundraiser, for a total of +-$10,000. Then I asked him how much they received in pledges for monthly support. He told me the exact amount - and I don't remember precisely what it was but it was around $630./ month. There is a huge gap here, according to my math. To me they represent giving the widow's mite. They are giving all they have.
I am practical. I wouldn't have gone until the money was raised. The tug at their hearts was so strong that they felt compelled to go. I will keep my commitment to them for the portion of their maintenance I promised. I will pray for them. And I will pray for others to come alongside to help them help others.
We are saved by grace - but we are saved to do good works. True religion helps orphans and widows in their distress. True religion heals wounds and binds up the broken-hearted. True religion feeds the hungry and clothes the naked. Love is an action verb. Love responds to God's call - whether it is to go or to give. That's why I prefer Mark 12:30 and Luke 10:27 over Matthew's quote. Both Mark and Luke challenge us to love God with all of our heart, soul, mind and strength. The strength part is the action. All the others are internal.
In my 38 years as a Presbyterian, one of the many things I loved was the charge given to us as we were commissioned each year to serve in our various capacities. Our charge and resulting promise was 'to serve with energy, imagination, intelligence and love.'
Jesus was doing precisely that. He is walking toward the cross - and beyond that toward Easter - - but the reality of what he will have to endure is on his mind. Giving all is on his mind. He could have focused on the reality that if the widow gave her all she would be going home to die. He didn't. He focused on the gift. The same is true for him. He could have focused on his death. He didn't. He focused on the gift and on Easter - his story didn't end with death, but with resurrection.... Ahhhhh....I keep getting ahead of the story.
Humor for today:
The company's boss was complaining in a staff meeting that he wasn't being shown proper respect. Later that morning he went to a local sign shop and bought a small sign that read "I'm the boss!" He took it back to his office and taped it to his office door.
Later, when he returned from lunch, he found a note taped to his sign. It stated, "Your wife called. She wants her sign back."
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