Thursday, September 8, 2011


I'm loving reading through Paul's letters in the proposed time sequence in which they were purportedly written. My chapter for today is Romans 5. The theme of our new relationship to God through Jesus - the promised Messiah - pervades this chapter. We are saved, reconciled, justified.

While we were still sinners, while we were God's enemies, the Messiah died for us. And now we are made righteous through him. Sinners no more, we are now sons and daughters, siblings, joint heirs. I LOVE the new identity!

I grew up in a church that repeatedly referred to everyone in the gathered congregation as sinners, but while we were sinners, that is no longer our identity. We are a new creation, dearly loved, bought with a price. It is a bit of a pet peeve with me that some people still do that - refer to Christians as sinners - and in so doing, they miss being spot-on in sharing the message of the purest joy that can be experienced in the release from sin.

Just as much as I believe children live up to what is expected of them, so do other people. If you call someone a sinner after they are saved they are far more likely not to disappoint you.... But - if you call them a saint, they have a high bar to measure up to. Just saying....

When I was a kid someone told me that justified meant "just-as-if-I'd never sinned" and that explanation has stuck with me. What a relief from the burden of the weight of guilt and sin that could be on our shoulders. It was there - but it is gone! Praise the Lord!

Jesus paid the price for my sin. Washed me white as snow. Forgave me so completely that he even took away the guilt of my sin. I am a child of God's grace! What an amazing Savior!

Thank you, Lord!

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