Saturday, May 7, 2011


+-1977 years ago, in +-33 A D - following the resurrection of our Lord, He was still making appearances. Today is the 13th day following resurrection. I find the stories of His interaction with people during that period compelling. These were truly messages to pay attention to. I re-read Luke 24 this morning, and was once again stirred by Jesus' contact with those He spoke with on the road to Emmaus. Jesus taught them all they needed to learn - and their hearts burned within them.

In current time, I am actually reading Revelation from my devotions. Chapter 6 brings an end to the 'feel good' of chapters 4 & 5. The gentle lamb who laid down his life returns to pour our all of God's wrath on an undeserving, ungrateful world. It is hard to absorb all the layers. Others far more brilliant than I have expressed multiple opinions. I just want to be open to see what the Lord reveals, and I'm willing to accept that I don't have to grasp all of the layers of knowledge theoretically available. Like those on the road to Emmaus, as He teaches me, my heart burns within me.

I do understand this: He is sovereign, and I am grateful to be immersed in His grace. Having said that, at this point in the Revelation of John, the Age of Grace has come to an abrupt end. The world will experience what it is like without the dispensation of grace. I wouldn't want to be here! The Jewish nation was looking for the redeeming conqueror. The conqueror is revealed clearly in this chapter of Revelation. But He is still called the Lamb....

Anyone who is struggling with complacent Christianity should read Revelation again. We take God's grace for granted, and that's a dangerous thing to do. The message to the 7 churches of Revelation are messages to us as well. Only he who endures to the end will be saved.

And, no matter how tough it gets, He is worthy of all honor and power and glory and praise. Praise His Holy Name!

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