John 10 is a wonderful chapter!
In verse 16 Jesus states, "...I have other sheep that are not of this fold." That includes everyone who is not Jewish! Jesus' provision for 'all the world' to have the opportunity to become part of the flock was there from the beginning of time. The Jews really struggled with Jesus' statements!
John 10 fills us in with a timing piece in Verse 22. It was His last winter on earth as a man, and it was the time of the Feast of Dedication, which was instituted in 164 B C as an 8-day commemoration of the re-dedication of the temple in Jerusalem after it was desecrated by Antiochus Epiphanes. A group of Jews approached Jesus as He walked along in the colonnade area of the temple area on temple mount (located on Mt. Moriah; aka the ancient Mt. Zion). They asked him how long He was going to keep them in suspense. "If you are the Messiah, tell us plainly."
Jesus responded, "I told you and you didn't believe me...." He went on to tell them His sheep hear His voice, and the reason they don't is because they aren't among His sheep.... He provides some wonderful affirmation for the security of being one who is His sheep: (28) "I give them eternal life, and they will never perish, and no one will snatch them out of my hand." And He ends with words He will die for in less than 4 months, saying, "I and the Father are one."
In His questioning of them He makes His claim to deity clear. They told Him He was blaspheming because He said, 'I am the Son of God', but it is not blasphemy when it is true - and He was telling them the truth, but their spiritual eyes were blind. They sought to arrest Him, but He escaped from their hands. It wasn't time. The eternal clock had to tick down for a little longer.... He went back across the Jordan, away from the center of Jewish intellect, and many came to Him and believed in Him there.
It is significant that no one could touch Him until He allowed it, and even though their intention was to carry out what was in their hearts, His timing was what mattered. It had to be at Passover. He would become the Passover Lamb.... The stage was set, but the cast wasn't available. Yet.
It is much later in the day than I prefer to write my blog entry, but it was a day that definitely didn't go as planned...much of it wasted sitting at the I R S office waiting for an answer they ultimately couldn't provide, even after 2 1/2 hours of waiting for the 'person in the know'.
But I got to do something positive that is a joy! Last weekend I was the storyteller for Saturday night and Sunday morning Children's Church - our church calls it 'Kids' Alley'. Our story was about the Sabbath - and included the story of Jesus' healing the withered hand of the man at the Synagogue on the Sabbath - an absolute tabu, because it was 'work', but Jesus' message was that it was O K to do good on the Sabbath. So - as part of our story time the kids Saturday night drew pictures and wrote notes to one of our real-life heroes from our church, Jeremiah Gorsuch, who stepped on a land mine and lost his foot and lower half of his leg, and who has not been able to come home yet because he is still hospitalized in Maryland recuperating.
The kids were tangibly 'doing something good' on the Sabbath. The kids on Sunday signed their names to 'Get Better Soon' and 'Thank You' greetings by class, and I put all of the accumulated notes in a large envelope and mailed them off to him today. I wish I could see his face as he reads them! I know they will provide a boost from home!
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