May 15, 2010
Jeremiah 29:11
My featured masher for today is a reminder of God’s perpetual care – His watchful eye that always has what is ultimately best for us in view. Sometimes I have to accept that concept on faith. It doesn’t ‘feel’ like he’s paying attention. Life’s hurts have made me feel on occasion that my ship was going to sink. And at the end of my rope, he’s been there . . . teaching me ultimately that he deserves our praise and worship no matter what our circumstances. Until we come to complete reliance on him, we cannot understand his care. He has made promises that he cannot break. Even when we are faithless, he is faithful.
It is through being crushed that we learn we have no strength of our own – but that we are totally dependent on Him.
This masher is from a navy ship. It would take someone very strong to wield it – in fact, it provides a whole new perspective on ‘K P duty’. It elicits an awareness of the powerful strength it would take to use it – and the powerful strength of the armed forces that protect us. Too often we take that care for granted – and we often also take God’s care and provision for us for granted.
Unfortunately the time we actually pay attention is when we think he has let us down.
I learned a good lesson about that several years ago. It is not uncommon when tragedy strikes to want to ask, “Why me?” But – I had learned in one specific very difficult circumstance that I needed to ask, “Why not me?” I wouldn’t wish it on someone else, certainly – and if bad things happen – even to nice people, why not to me?
Not long after that little insight, I heard about a head coach from Boise State University who reiterated the same sentiment. When he was interviewed about his diagnosis of cancer at such a young age, he was specifically asked, “Don’t you wonder, ‘Why me?’ “ And his reply was, “Why not me?”
It is a question that releases us from self-pity. We live in a fallen world. Bad things happen. We have a choice, we can blame God – say the ‘Navy’ wasn’t there and we were left unprotected – or we can choose to accept that his care for us is viewed from a different perspective – to change metaphors – that it is like a tapestry being woven – and no matter how pretty the colors, the pattern has to have some black in it for the colors to pop. We only see the backside of that tapestry where the threads are tangled and knotted and in wild disarray – but he sees the front – sees the beauty of a life lived intentionally for him – and he is the one with the needle in his hand, weaving – for ultimate beauty.
All the while – not just watching over us, but walking through every circumstance with us. He is not a distant God. In our pain he is there. He promised, and his promises are true. We can sleep more soundly knowing our military is on guard – and we can rest assured that God holds all of our future in his hands – that he protects us from the evil one. His care is the ultimate in care.
Our battle is not one of flesh and blood. It is a spiritual battle. And the wonderful thing is, He’s already won. Just before Jesus died on the cross, he proclaimed , “It is finished.” Everything that needed to be done for our salvation was complete. Satan is fighting tooth and nail as long as he remains the ‘prince of the power of the air’ – and if it seems he and his minions are working overtime in these closing days of time, they are. Satan knows prophecy. He knows his time is short.
It is easy to look at the circumstances of life and be discouraged – the politics, the financial crises and insurmountable debt, patent disregard for God by so many…. The list is endless. I wonder how God can stand it – and sometimes I wonder how awful it will get before he says ‘enough’ and destroys this earth to prepare for the promised new heaven and earth.
It is in that darkest moment of wondering that I am calmed by knowing – He is my protector. I can trust Him. My life and times are in his hands…. What he tells us in Matthew 11:28-30 is to cast all our cares on Him because he cares. It is a daily reminder! We can know that intellectually, but we need to fully absorb it. I need to fully absorb it. I can trust him. That’s the bottom line. I’ve staked my life on Him. I am a child of his grace. No matter what the storm, he is in the boat with me. And with you! Go in His grace sounds sweeter when we hear it through the sound of the sacrifice he made. He loves us! He cares! He lives to make intercession for us! What an amazing, wonderful God.
Happy Birthday, Eunice. I left a message on your phone!
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