Saturday, June 12, 2010

ESCHATOLOGY - Matthew 24:9-14

Last time we considered the 'beginning of birth pains'. Today, we move on to the next few verses in Matthew's gospel:

Matthew 24:9-14 (Jesus speaking to his followers)
"Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. At that time many will turn from the faith and will betray and hate each other, and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come...."

Just let me say, this is not my favorite passage in the Bible. I take it to heart - and take it personally - but what his hearers would have heard when he said this matters. We have to look at context in addition to application. Both apply.

His hearers were Jewish. We certainly see evidence throughout history of how our Jews have been treated - the holocaust being just one significant example. Taking it personally for the gentile world who follow Christ - Christians are being killed every day for their standing firm in their faith. A conservative estimate says that 450 Christians are killed every day, while others are burned, beaten, and otherwise severely persecuted.

Type 'Christians being martyred' into your search (I used Google) and you can watch videos on youtube that speak louder than any words I can write. I watched the first one that was was heartbreaking and compelling. It told of a 10 year old boy who was instructed to gather wood for a fire - and when he wouldn't deny his faith he was thrown on the fire and left to die. He escaped - but with severe burns. Another story was of a 16 year old girl who went away to camp - and on the 2nd day was attacked and threatened with broken glass....

For me to be faced with death is one thing - for my grandchildren to be faced with the same choice is overwhelming.

It makes Matthew 10:22 (repeated in Matthew 24:13) more significant: All men will hate you because of me, but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. This is not seeker-friendly Christianity. This is the real deal.

This is not being hated because of anything we've done but just because of people's hatred for Christ in us. Hatred for the One who died for their salvation as well as ours. Hatred that comes from Satan himself. It is almost incomprehensible. I'm not fond of being hated. I've experienced just enough of a hint of it that I know I don't like it. My automatic reaction is to want clarity - to want to explain - to want equity - to want vindication. I'm going to need God's grace....

Next on the list is that many will turn from the faith and betray and hate each other. It is pure logic that unless someone is very well grounded in their faith, they are not going to stand up for something they aren't absolutely certain of. Many will fall into that category. And - there will be those who will be threatened with pain who will identify others who are Christian - probably believing their persecutors that things will go easier for them.... Hatred comes in lots of packages. Hatred is simply any act or emotion that wishes another person dead - even for our convenience. It doesn't have to be virulent, seething animosity to be classified as hatred.

'Many false prophets will appear and deceive many people' is the next on the list. I covered a bit of that on the wading in day. Two of the larger -isms that affect me personally. I have a Muslim family I love dearly. I have Mormon relatives I love and want to know the Truth.

Jim Jones and his compound at Jamestown,British Guyana; David Koresh and the Branch Davidians; The Aryan Nations aka The Church of Jesus Christ-Christian of North Idaho, The Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh, who was set up in Antelope, Oregon. These are just a few in my day. Any church or religion that does not place Jesus in His rightful role - the ONE who is the Messiah - the only Messiah - who came in the flesh, fully God and fully human. Any teacher or preacher who says there is any other way to God than through the shed blood of Jesus Christ - all fit into the list of those who deceive.... In our day it includes the plethora of preachers who have soft-soaped and watered down the Word of God to make it more appealing. All I know is: if I am standing at the business end of an AK-47, I want to know that the One I believe in is going to be there as I am ushered in to eternity - and I want Him to give me the courage to be faithful no matter what....

Having said that, living for Him faithfully in a world littered with spiritual land-mines is a daily challenge for all who seek to follow Him. Sometimes it is harder to 'live' faithfully than it would be to face death. We are challenged to do both.

The increase of on the list....and because of it the love of most will grow cold. We face that onslaught of risk every day: there is so much to distract us and divert our attention. Every one of us is at risk for succumbing to the diversions. It takes being very intentional in our faith to maintain focus and proper perspective. When I see all that is 'in the world' today - I wonder how God can stand it - how He can delay His coming to set it all right. He created the world to be beautiful - and we humans have corrupted it - from what we are doing to the earth itself - to what we are doing to ourselves in polluting our minds and bodies with sensual overload. God must weep. We become desensitized.

And finally, the good news in this portion of prophecy: the good news of the kingdom will be preached in all the world....

Because of the explosion of technological advances, that is now possible in a way never before conceived. People all over the world - even those who are illiterate - have i-pods and the potential to have satellite internet. Connecting with the world is easier every day.

We have this little window of opportunity to speak to the nations: to tell them that Jesus Christ, Yeshua ha Meshiach, Isa al Masih, Jesu Cristo, came to seek and save that which was lost.

It is a little bit frightening - but even more than that, it is compelling. In our going we are to disciple. To build relationships. To share the Good News. Lord, may it be so.

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