Tuesday, June 8, 2010


Today is my son's birthday - so I searched through my i-photo file for a picture - and just about got lost in memories. This picture is a few years old now - but it still looks like him....so it will do.

Shayne was born 6-8-1967 in Overlake Memorial Hospital in Bellevue, WA...43 years ago. I'm way too young to have a kid who is 43. But it is true!

He is a kind, loving man. I love his heart. I love him. Happy Birthday, son!

It is easier to understand how passionately God feels about us when we have children. We are God's joy. He yearns to spend time with us - yearns to mold us into His image. Sometimes the schooling is hard for us - but it is for our good. God only has good in mind.

Of course, since we live in a spiritual world, there is that other entity - Satan - who doesn't have similar goals for us. In fact, The Bible warns us that 'he goes about like a roaring lion seeking whom he may devour.' Every now and then he may win a skirmish - but he never will win the battle as long as we keep following the Commander. That is such a comfort. CHRIST IN US, THE HOPE OF GLORY!

Last week I had some really strange dreams - which I am not going to relate - but in one of the dreams, the message was 'He's coming soon'. It has run through my mind over and over ever since. He's coming soon. He's coming soon. How will I spend these last days before His return?

With being gone I got out of sync in my faithfulness of prayer time. Reverted to those 'praying as I went' and popcorn prayers - definitely 'praying without ceasing' in the sense that I know God walks with me - - but not taking time to be in the kind of prayer a faithful follower needs to be in to hear God clearly. I know better. It's time to be faithful in prayer, faithful to listen, faithful to hear, faithful to follow God's instructions heard in prayer, faithful to 'do' His will....

At the end of the journey I want to hear, 'Well done, good and faithful servant'.

He's coming soon. There's a lot to do. People to love to Him. Lord, lead me....

1 comment:

  1. I'm in the Markting Department at Overlake Hospital and stumbled across your blog since you mentioned us by name. What a beautiful way to honor your son today! Happy Birthday Shayne.

    I would love to hear more about your experience at the hospital because we're collecting patient stories as we celebrate our 50th anniversary. Would you mind getting in touch with me by e-mail? My address is: Mary.Walker(at)Overlakehospital.org.

    Mary Beth
