Tuesday, June 15, 2010


The past six weeks I've been a participant in a Womens Bible Study written by Jennifer Rothschild. The study is titled WALKING BY FAITH: Lessons Learned In The Dark. Jennifer became blind at age 15. She is a gifted speaker, and her lessons learned in 'the dark' are significant lessons. Most of her lessons are reminders of lessons I've already 'learned' but I certainly needed the refresher course.... We never arrive at a pinnacle of perfection where we no longer need to learn or need a refresher course.

This morning I'm briefly stepping off the path of my current Eschatological pursuit to address the blessing of the lesson(s) I just studied. I am incredulous at God's timing - once again!

This morning in my prayer time I specifically asked God to help me focus on the reality that He is enough - to celebrate HIM, and not His gifts. To worship the Giver, and not be focused on answers I want....

Then today's lesson responded specifically to those cries of my heart. He knows I have patiently waited for Him to work out some difficult details in life.... In addition, he searches the very recesses of my heart and today He found a little root of pain that is a seed for potential bitterness that needed to be weeded out. It was long enough ago that I hadn't thought about it for quite awhile. It was an injustice against me for which I wanted resolution and vindication.

Today - I choose to forgive and lay it as His feet. If the reminder surfaces again, I will forgive again. I am not responsible for my emotions - but I am responsible for my responses and actions. Forgiveness is a choice - just like love is a choice. They are action words not emotion words in the spiritual realm. There are other unresolved issues. I can only do what He asks of me - but the results are up to Him. My choice is to forgive. My choice is in response to His demand. Forgiveness is not optional. It's not a done deal - I will keep working on it - but it is freeing. He asks us to forgive for our benefit - not just the other person's benefit....

In today's lesson, Jennifer led us back to the very roots of salvation, and the truths they proclaim - and the reminder that confession is the beginning of restoration for Christian health.

Romans 3:23 For all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God

Romans 6:23 The wage of sin is (eternal) death but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ, our Lord.

Romans 5:8 While we were still sinners, Christ died for us

Romans 10:9-10 If we confess with our mouth and believe in our heart...we will be saved

She referenced Romans 5:6-11 - but I shortened it to the one I memorized back in college when I first learned these verses in Romans as 'The Royal Roman Road'. They are good verses for going back to our roots. Finding perfect peace in His reconciliation. Being reminded to cast our cares on Him, because He truly does care for us.... Forgiveness is so freeing....both His forgiveness granted to us - and our forgiveness of others.

In September, 2000, the two books of the Bible that I read while I was recuperating from an oophorectomy were Job and Revelation. Talk about unlikely 'comfort' reading in an already difficult time! But - it was the perfect time for God to teach me. What I learned from Job was that God deserves our praise and worship no matter what our circumstances. We absolutely are not to hold Him hostage to our agendas or dilemmas. He deserves praise! He is the Lord of Glory, the Great I AM, the Alpha and the Omega, the Beginning and the End.... He is GOD! Yet, He says He inhabits the praises of His people. We are compelled to praise. No matter what life dishes out.

Praise also frees us!

From Revelation I learned a couple of significant things. Number one, I learned that Revelation 3:20 was not a salvation verse - it was God speaking to a church - to believers, telling them he longed for an intimate, nurturing relationship. "I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice, I will come in. I will eat with you - and you with me."

And - regarding the end times prophecies - I learned that all I needed was to trust Him. It was not time for me to pursue anything deeper. I just had to know that He is in charge, holds all of life and time and governments in His very capable hands - and that He would reveal whatever He needed to reveal to me on a 'need to know basis'. It is a topic that can divert too much time - and it is so fraught with pitfalls for voicing too many opinions that aren't God's view, but our own. Back when I was young and very curious about End Times Events and what was to come, I heard so many points of view regarding the timing of the rapture of the church, and whether it was going to be pre-trib, mid-trib, or post-trib. The trib meaning tribulation. Ultimately I just decided 'God knows and that's all I need to know'. I still believe that. Throwing myself on His mercy also frees me.

I am just so incredibly grateful for GOD - - for knowing Him, and finding His mercy and love so prevalent and available.

So - I will continue the End Times review - but I realize it will be just that - a review - and it will be up to the Holy Spirit to open the eyes of our understanding in His time. I find peace in that.

For today, I'm just going to mention one more similarity listed in the Prophecy Comparison I mentioned yesterday. With regard to the resurrection of the body, Islam, Judaism and Christianity all agree on the bodily resurrection. Islam even teaches that all will assemble at the Mount of Olives to receive judgment! I certainly don't know much about Islam. That's the point of finding out!

Housework is calling! God bless your day!

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