Thursday, March 20, 2014

LENT 2014 - DAY 16 - Humility

True humility is knowing that God is God and I am not.  And, having true humility is a basic Christian ethic.

Humility is viewing ourselves in right relationship to God and giving Him all the credit and all the glory and keeping none of it for ourselves.  That means not taking credit for what God does through us.  We are His servants.

Luke 17:10 (ESV) says, "So you also, when you have done all that you were commanded, say, "We are unworthy servants, we have done only what was our duty."

That being said, it does not mean denigrating ourselves or putting on an air of false humility that denies God's work in or through our lives. 

Deferring to God's sovereignty in true humility sometimes means not shouting so loudly for our personal rights that we step into a precarious role of interfering with God's longterm plan.   It requires deferring to others in situations where that is not necessarily fair.

That's a lot to chew on, and will give me plenty to think about today.


I cannot see the front of the tapestry right now.  What I see is the backside with all the knots and disarray, but I know God's promises, and choose to place my faith fully in His plan, knowing that ultimately He has good in mind.  May it be so.

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