Saturday, March 8, 2014

LENT 2014 - DAY 4

This week has been a roller-coaster-ride.  Everything from grief and sorrow to ebullient joy.

John 16:33 reports Jesus stating, "In this world you will have trouble.  But take heart!  I have overcome the world."

It is a verse I have had next to my mirror for several years, along with Psalm 62:5-6, which states, Find rest, O my soul, in God alone; my hope comes from him.  He alone is my rock and my salvation; he is my fortress, I will not be shaken.

I can't say I have not been shaken - but when I am, He is there.  And - I realize that sorrow can trounce joy rather quickly!  But today I am choosing not to participate!  I want to celebrate the joyful side!

Yesterday I had the privilege of attending the Governor's Prayer Breakfast.  I didn't sleep well the night before - afraid I wouldn't awaken to my 5 a m alarm after getting to bed at 11:30 p m the night before, I suppose...but it was worth the loss of sleep!

There were 2 speakers that stand out:  Toms Lee from SPU, who reiterated that when we aren't adequate God is "I AM"  When we can't HE CAN!"  It is encouraging knowing that God is raising leaders who are learning God is enough - and Jesus is the answer!

And then there was Hattie Kauffman....  Oh, my goodness.  What a wonderful story of God's seeking and finding her.  What a wonderful story of redemption.  And what a wonderful story of the change that Jesus brings when we are open to letting Him speak truth into our lives.  Hattie was a national correspondent for major news services for many years.  She was not a Christian, but after an unwanted, heartbreaking divorce, God found her!  All she said was "Help."  And help He did!  She defines herself as a baby Christian - but she has an amazing story of God's intervention in her life - and she sees in retrospect ways He protected she and her siblings through very difficult times.

Her faith informs her present and the way she lives.  Her story was absolutely inspirational.

We each have a story.  Our story matters only where it intersects with God's story.  That is the part that is eternal.

Thank you, Jan, for inviting me to the Prayer Breakfast.  You, Marnie, and Hattie's story are all an inspiration!  Terry and his feeling 'called' to the legislature is also an inspiration.  I am grateful for legislators who meet to pray and who desire God's direction in their decision-making for the great state of Washington.  Thank you!

p s - I checked her bio online and Hattie Kaufmann has a book that was released in 2013 titled Falling into Place, which is memoirs about her life, just in case you are interested.

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