Monday, May 29, 2017



Before I get into my blog for today I want to acknowledge that it is Memorial Day – a day we set aside annually to honor those who have died serving in the various branches of the Armed Services – those who have paid the ultimate sacrifice to protect and defend our country and the values we hold dear.

Freedom is not free. 

In our family line we have relatives who have lost their lives defending our country.  The price of freedom is very personal.  In memorial of those who have died serving, honor to all who have served and gratitude to those who are serving now…thank you! 


[2010 Blog post that is uncannily appropriate again and instructive to me right now in my life:]

The disciples were getting a graphic lesson on patience.  God didn’t install me with as much patience as I sometimes wish I had. However, when someone tells me they are praying for patience I remind them that’s a dangerous prayer. The way God teaches us any lesson is through opportunities to practice it. 

My lesson in learning that definitively was when God told me ‘we’ were going to work on my gentleness. When he told me that I thought, ‘Great. Now I am going to be like one of those sweet little ladies at church who just ooze gentle, caring love.’ 


Now – the absolute truth is: I love deeply and sincerely. I care. I have oodles of compassion. Gentleness – I’m still working on it….

God’s chosen method of teaching me gentleness was to throw me into situations where I had to practice it. Situations where I was treated abysmally unfairly – misunderstood, misjudged, maligned – and instead of reacting in ‘human’ nature to defend the assaults I had to learn to absorb them and pray for God to work in each situation. I spoke the truth – then had to let each go . . . even though unresolved. God gave me a promise that he would be my defender. In some cases I am still waiting. It’s his battle – not mine. 

Over and over I get to take to heart my Potato Masher Parable about not getting upset with a frog for being a frog. 

In the process of working on gentleness, which involves responding not reacting, I’ve also learned that forgiveness is a gift we give ourselves. People can do some pretty awful things, say some pretty awful things – but we don’t have to be held hostage to their words or actions. When we forgive we release ourselves from being part of their issue. It is incredibly freeing. And – I can only do that through God’s grace. His grace is sufficient. Really, it is! And I have to trust that promise!

It isn’t always easy! Sometimes feelings of resentment for wrongs done against me try to creep in. I have to intentionally and carefully take those thoughts captive and submit them to God’s Word. He promised me that no weapon fashioned against me would stand. I stand on His promises, claiming them because His promises are true – knees shaking, lip quivering, soul determined. I put on my armor listed in Ephesians 6:10-18, and place my life in his hands. I want to trust him more and more. I’m still learning to do that. 

We never arrive at some pinnacle of perfection in this life where nothing ruffles us. But the thing about being an intentional Christian is that we keep learning, keep pressing on, keep growing. His Word is our sword – and our guidebook.

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