Saturday, March 26, 2011

LENT 2011, Day 16

My chapter for today is Isaiah 59. I read it shortly after I got up this morning - but didn't have time to write right then. And I'm glad I didn't - because I have had more time to mull it over - and one of the observations I can make now that I wouldn't have thought of earlier is that according to this chapter, God has what is equivalent to a junk mail file.

The chapter begins by telling us that it isn't that God cannot save, or cannot hear - but that our sins have created the separation that keeps him from listening. Just like my junk mail. I have my e-mail filtered so nothing goes into my primary mailbox that is not from an approved source. I get lots of mail in my junk mail file - and most of it doesn't ever get opened. Every now and then someone I do want to hear from will get my email address and write to me - and I have to transfer those mails to my primary account or after a prescribed period of time, they are just automatically deleted.

The effectual, fervent prayer of a righteous man is the one God absolutely hears. And - righteousness is by His standard, not ours. He has some very specific instructions for how we should live. The Bible is the handbook for living the Christian life. It isn't presented as optional for consideration.

If we want to be in good standing so our prayers are heard, we have to be intentional about our walk. We are told to hide His Word in our hearts so we won't sin against Him.

Like Pastor Peter says, "He loves you just the way you are - but He loves you too much to leave you that way."

I don't always like His discipline - but I'm grateful for it. It means He hasn't given up on me! I love the t-shirt that says, "Work in Progress. God isn't finished with me yet."

Lord, I want my life to be lived in response to Your love - and in a way that pleases You. Amen.

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