My chapter for today's devotions is what is commonly referred to as 'the love chapter'.
"If I speak in the tongues of men and of angels, but have not love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but have not love, I am nothing. If I give away all I have, and if I deliver up my body to be burned, but have not love, I gain nothing.
Love is patient and kind; love does not envy or boast; it is not arrogant or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; it does not rejoice at wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth. Love bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things.
Love never ends. As for prophecies, they will pass away; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when the perfect comes, the partial will pass away. When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child. When I became a man, I gave up childish ways. For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known.
So now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; but the greatest of these is love."
The words of the chapter smack me right in the face. I think I am loving, but I don't come close to the standard of love expressed here. These aren't just 'feel good words' for wedding ceremonies - these words cut to the core of our relationships with God and others. They set a standard. I don't measure up - but 1 Corinthians 13 makes it clear what the goal is!
I know that I can never reach that goal without Jesus' love. This chapter delineates a whole list of things I need to work on being better at - but I know I can't do it on my own. We are saved and being saved. There is an initial step of acceptance wherein we are 'saved from sin' and begin a new life; but when we are intentional in our walk with the Lord, we are being saved daily - line on line, precept on precept, growing in God's amazing love and grace.
Sometimes growing brings growing pains. It is part of the journey to maturity in Christ.
Under my potpourri section for today:
Because of some recent circumstances, I am reminded of the verse that states, "Do not be weary in well doing." We wouldn't be warned against becoming weary in well doing if it wasn't a risk.
There are times of disappointment when we are tempted to succumb to that weariness and withdraw - but we don't do what we do to be approved by others. We do what we do to be approved by God. Our instruction is not to become weary in doing good. There are days - and even seasons of our lives - when we are disappointed by what life brings our way. It is then that we need this chapter and the reminder that love is a choice. Love is demonstrated by action, not feelings.
In those moments I am reminded:
Love anyway.
Do unto others as you wish they would do unto you!
Keep on keeping on!
The fruit of the Spirit is: love, joy, peace, patience, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self control.
What a worthy goal!
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Monday, July 25, 2011
I can't say I always welcome God's timing....but I do try my best to embrace it. Once in a while his timing is incredibly amazing and astounding. I witnessed that this weekend.
Because I was attending a destination wedding near Lake Chelan on Sunday, I arranged to go visit friends in Wenatchee as a bonus of the trip. In fact I stayed with them Saturday and Sunday nights. Lucy and I first met each other when we were 8 years old. Though we lived +-30 miles apart, we attended the same Youth Rallies in High School and the same summer camp for a week each year from age 8 through age 17. Then we went to the same college and were part of a foursome that was really fun to be part of our Freshman year. Our visit falls into the category of good timing - but there is more!
My youngest daughter was also, incidentally, going to be in the same area for the weekend - - for river rafting, followed by a hike and overnight campout. She just needed to get to Everett in time Saturday morning to meet her ride. She didn't make it. Her car broke down south of Seattle. But - since I was already going to Eastern Washington anyway, it wasn't too much trouble to meet her at the repair shop, wait for her car to be fixed, drive to where she needed to drop it off and deliver her to Leavenworth to meet her ride so she could at least salvage part of the weekend - - even though she missed out on the river rafting part of the journey.
I know it seems small - - but I totally saw it as God's timing. How fortuitous that I was already going over the pass. I enjoyed the travel companion for the 'going there' part of the trip - and she still got to have a fun weekend.
And - - the alternator went out in a perfect spot for getting off the road safely.
And - - the tow truck driver who rescued her was wonderful and took her to a repair shop he trusted.
And - - they were able to get to work on it right away and have it all repaired within a couple of hours.
And - - as for the wonderful wedding I witnessed on Sunday was absolutely perfect in every possible way (well, except that I had to go alone....) The weather was sunny and beautiful! (Almost too sunny!) It was a brief respite in a bleak week....with thundershowers and pouring rain returning for Monday morning....
Timing, again! For the wedding they had there the week before, it poured. We, on the other hand, were bathed in radiant sunlight. I have a bit of a sunburn to prove it....
Thank you, Lord, for your incredible timing, and for your loving care demonstrated in your divine protection for my daughter and your divine outpouring of love for this newly wed bride and groom!
Because I was attending a destination wedding near Lake Chelan on Sunday, I arranged to go visit friends in Wenatchee as a bonus of the trip. In fact I stayed with them Saturday and Sunday nights. Lucy and I first met each other when we were 8 years old. Though we lived +-30 miles apart, we attended the same Youth Rallies in High School and the same summer camp for a week each year from age 8 through age 17. Then we went to the same college and were part of a foursome that was really fun to be part of our Freshman year. Our visit falls into the category of good timing - but there is more!
My youngest daughter was also, incidentally, going to be in the same area for the weekend - - for river rafting, followed by a hike and overnight campout. She just needed to get to Everett in time Saturday morning to meet her ride. She didn't make it. Her car broke down south of Seattle. But - since I was already going to Eastern Washington anyway, it wasn't too much trouble to meet her at the repair shop, wait for her car to be fixed, drive to where she needed to drop it off and deliver her to Leavenworth to meet her ride so she could at least salvage part of the weekend - - even though she missed out on the river rafting part of the journey.
I know it seems small - - but I totally saw it as God's timing. How fortuitous that I was already going over the pass. I enjoyed the travel companion for the 'going there' part of the trip - and she still got to have a fun weekend.
And - - the alternator went out in a perfect spot for getting off the road safely.
And - - the tow truck driver who rescued her was wonderful and took her to a repair shop he trusted.
And - - they were able to get to work on it right away and have it all repaired within a couple of hours.
And - - as for the wonderful wedding I witnessed on Sunday was absolutely perfect in every possible way (well, except that I had to go alone....) The weather was sunny and beautiful! (Almost too sunny!) It was a brief respite in a bleak week....with thundershowers and pouring rain returning for Monday morning....
Timing, again! For the wedding they had there the week before, it poured. We, on the other hand, were bathed in radiant sunlight. I have a bit of a sunburn to prove it....
Thank you, Lord, for your incredible timing, and for your loving care demonstrated in your divine protection for my daughter and your divine outpouring of love for this newly wed bride and groom!
Friday, July 22, 2011
According to the timeline I developed by researching the introductory information to the books Paul authored - rather, dictated - 1 Corinthians followed 1 & 2 Thessalonians. It provides a lot of instruction for Christian living.
Yesterday I read Chapter 6. It includes verses that aren't popular in today's society - but they are part of God's Word. In Paul's writings he occasionally does state something that he identifies as his opinion - but this is not a section that comes with that disclaimer. It is very clear.
Verses 9 & 10 in the ESV state:
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
The good news is that God can, has and will forgive anyone who repents and turns away from their sins!
The continued bad news is that unforgiven sin separates us from God - both now and for eternity.
The first thing I want to address is the word righteous. Several years ago I was at a women's spiritual retreat, and during one of our small group exercises, a lady at the table where I was seated said, "I don't even know what righteous really means." I spoke up and said, "It means right living by God's standard." The Bible teaches us a right way to live - placing God first, others second, and ourselves last. It teaches us to serve others, and that in bearing others burdens, we fulfill the law of Christ.
What I didn't say then, that I should have, is that we can't even be righteous except through Jesus. God sees us through the filter of his son, and he sees us as righteous, even though we are imperfect.
As for the specific sins mentioned in this list:
Sexually immoral: any sex outside marriage, and abusive sex even in marriage.
Idolaters: people who place anything above God in importance.
Adulterers: this seems redundant - but it is specifically people who have sex with a person married to someone else. It speaks to infidelity.
Men who practice homosexuality: this does not exclude females. Other passages that speak to this are not so gender specific. (Note that it only addresses practice.)
Thieves: anyone who takes something that doesn't belong to them, but more definitively, those who very intentionally pursue stealing.
Greedy: being obsessed with stuff and wanting stuff. Always wanting newer, better, bigger, more. Yearning or pining for what someone else has.
Drunkards: people who drink to excess. Implies habitual excess.
Revilers: I had to look up the definition of reviler. According to my online dictionary it is someone who criticizes in an abusive or angrily insulting manner.
Swindlers: anyone who uses deception to gain an advantage over another's money or possessions.
Generally I zip through the list and don't think much about it. In my reading yesterday, the obvious caught my eye: homosexuality. That's because it is no longer politically correct to call it sin. But what I have to pay attention to is the other sins in the list, not just single out one. I wouldn't want a spiritual role model to be a person who pursued any of these things. That's the point when it comes to church government.
I'm so grateful for God's forgiveness. The most important message within this is: And such were some of you. But you were washed.... What wonderful good news - the good news of salvation through Jesus the Messiah.
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12
Once I was lost, but now I can see
The light of the world is Jesus....
I don't deserve his love, but he gave it to me anyway! That is amazing grace!
Yesterday I read Chapter 6. It includes verses that aren't popular in today's society - but they are part of God's Word. In Paul's writings he occasionally does state something that he identifies as his opinion - but this is not a section that comes with that disclaimer. It is very clear.
Verses 9 & 10 in the ESV state:
Or do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived: neither the sexually immoral, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor men who practice homosexuality, nor thieves, nor the greedy, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor swindlers will inherit the kingdom of God. And such were some of you. But you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ and by the Spirit of our God.
The good news is that God can, has and will forgive anyone who repents and turns away from their sins!
The continued bad news is that unforgiven sin separates us from God - both now and for eternity.
The first thing I want to address is the word righteous. Several years ago I was at a women's spiritual retreat, and during one of our small group exercises, a lady at the table where I was seated said, "I don't even know what righteous really means." I spoke up and said, "It means right living by God's standard." The Bible teaches us a right way to live - placing God first, others second, and ourselves last. It teaches us to serve others, and that in bearing others burdens, we fulfill the law of Christ.
What I didn't say then, that I should have, is that we can't even be righteous except through Jesus. God sees us through the filter of his son, and he sees us as righteous, even though we are imperfect.
As for the specific sins mentioned in this list:
Sexually immoral: any sex outside marriage, and abusive sex even in marriage.
Idolaters: people who place anything above God in importance.
Adulterers: this seems redundant - but it is specifically people who have sex with a person married to someone else. It speaks to infidelity.
Men who practice homosexuality: this does not exclude females. Other passages that speak to this are not so gender specific. (Note that it only addresses practice.)
Thieves: anyone who takes something that doesn't belong to them, but more definitively, those who very intentionally pursue stealing.
Greedy: being obsessed with stuff and wanting stuff. Always wanting newer, better, bigger, more. Yearning or pining for what someone else has.
Drunkards: people who drink to excess. Implies habitual excess.
Revilers: I had to look up the definition of reviler. According to my online dictionary it is someone who criticizes in an abusive or angrily insulting manner.
Swindlers: anyone who uses deception to gain an advantage over another's money or possessions.
Generally I zip through the list and don't think much about it. In my reading yesterday, the obvious caught my eye: homosexuality. That's because it is no longer politically correct to call it sin. But what I have to pay attention to is the other sins in the list, not just single out one. I wouldn't want a spiritual role model to be a person who pursued any of these things. That's the point when it comes to church government.
I'm so grateful for God's forgiveness. The most important message within this is: And such were some of you. But you were washed.... What wonderful good news - the good news of salvation through Jesus the Messiah.
And there is salvation in no one else, for there is no other name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved. Acts 4:12
Once I was lost, but now I can see
The light of the world is Jesus....
I don't deserve his love, but he gave it to me anyway! That is amazing grace!
Last night a friend reminded me of a phrase I heard often as a child: "A man convinced against his will is of the same opinion still."
My passion about what I believe will not convince another person. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. I can share what I have come to know - what the Holy Spirit and conviction have convinced me of, but I cannot convince another person to respond.
In a way, that is freeing. God is God and I am not. He calls me to be faithful, and to bear witness to the truth - but he hasn't given me the responsibility to save anyone. Only the Holy Spirit can do that.
Rather than feel like a failure when others don't respond favorably, I need to remember that my responsibility is faithfulness. The results are up to God!
My passion about what I believe will not convince another person. Only the Holy Spirit can do that. I can share what I have come to know - what the Holy Spirit and conviction have convinced me of, but I cannot convince another person to respond.
In a way, that is freeing. God is God and I am not. He calls me to be faithful, and to bear witness to the truth - but he hasn't given me the responsibility to save anyone. Only the Holy Spirit can do that.
Rather than feel like a failure when others don't respond favorably, I need to remember that my responsibility is faithfulness. The results are up to God!
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Yesterday and today I've noticed that there have been multiple commentaries on the current status of the U S Government with regard to raising the debt limit. The threat has been that if the ceiling is not raised, those in the military, and others who receive payments from the government might not receive a check as of August 1. All scary - but in my view, if they keep raising the debt lid and printing play money, the house of cards will still fall.... They are delaying it but not preventing it.
Their proposal wouldn't work for a family's financial stability - and it won't work for the government. My Dad taught us: "You can't spend what you don't have." "Save for the future." "Live within your means." I am not an economist - but I do have to balance the checkbook, and those lessons have to be applied to daily living - whether by a family, or by a government.
Part of the problem is the NIMBY attitude. Not In My Back Yard. Everyone is saying "Cut something - but not my area. Mine is important." News flash: "You can't spend what you don't have" still means the same thing it did when I was growing up. The other problem is that many Americans have developed a mistaken notion that the government owes them something for nothing. Our rush toward Socialism comes at the cost of freedoms I don't want to lose.
I actually am afraid we've gone too far to be able to rein things back in, but we need to try.
It definitely isn't the time to be incurring additional debt! If/when our government runs out of money, a lot of people are going to be out of homes, food and jobs - - and that will be just the beginning of troubles!
I don't want to be an alarmist - but it doesn't seem many people are paying attention to the storm warning!
Their proposal wouldn't work for a family's financial stability - and it won't work for the government. My Dad taught us: "You can't spend what you don't have." "Save for the future." "Live within your means." I am not an economist - but I do have to balance the checkbook, and those lessons have to be applied to daily living - whether by a family, or by a government.
Part of the problem is the NIMBY attitude. Not In My Back Yard. Everyone is saying "Cut something - but not my area. Mine is important." News flash: "You can't spend what you don't have" still means the same thing it did when I was growing up. The other problem is that many Americans have developed a mistaken notion that the government owes them something for nothing. Our rush toward Socialism comes at the cost of freedoms I don't want to lose.
I actually am afraid we've gone too far to be able to rein things back in, but we need to try.
It definitely isn't the time to be incurring additional debt! If/when our government runs out of money, a lot of people are going to be out of homes, food and jobs - - and that will be just the beginning of troubles!
I don't want to be an alarmist - but it doesn't seem many people are paying attention to the storm warning!
Wednesday, July 13, 2011
Day 25 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 17, 2011
This was our final day of the 'Slot Canyon' Trip. We got awesome rock. Then I found a tick on the inside of my right leg just above the knee. Al got it out - but I was done! I don't like ticks.
We drove home, started some unloading, then took a shower. At about 8 p m we went to dinner with our youngest daughter and our former exchange student from Peru who was down for a conference and combined it with a visit.... We were afraid we were going to miss out on the visit - - but we got home just in time! I guess I was all 'funned out' and pictured out.... The only decent picture of the day was from when we stopped briefly at the Mt Hood Ski Lodge area.
Great trip! Lots of memories! And thousands of good pictures - just not from the final day!
Thank you, Lord, for your protection on the journey! Thank you for beautiful sights, the joy of friends old and new, and the joy of seeing family.
Day 24 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 16, 2011
We spent most of the the day hunting for green obsidian not far from Hines, Oregon. Then after receiving a call telling us there was going to be a surprise birthday party for Al's sister, we stepped up our return time and headed toward Glass Buttes so we could get some obsidian from that area for Al's flint knapping hobby and still make it back to Western Washington in time for her 75th birthday celebration.
The sunset photo is from our preferred camping spot on top of a knoll at Glass Buttes.
This has to be a very old antelope. Most of them run as soon as the vehicle stops - - but this one didn't.
Day 23 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 15, 2011
June 15 we took a road less traveled - the alternate Oregon Trail driving route, which kept us off the freeway, and took us through Homedale and Wilder (Idaho). My picture for the day is of Lizard Butte, which is where Dad took us for Easter Sunrise Services when we were kids. If you look closely you can see a cross near the crest of the hill. What a flood of memories it brought back.
As a kid, it was thrilling to climb the back of the lizard early Easter morning before the sun came over the horizon. And then, at break of day, to join with other early-morning worshippers in singing, Up From the Grave He Arose. I remember walking to the crest of the hill and peeking over. It seemed like a very tall hill when I was young! I'm so grateful that the Lord who loved me then, drew me back to him after I failed to remain true to him, and gave me a second chance. You are amazing, God, and it is amazing that you want a relationship with your created. Thank you for the reminder that you were there all the time! Thank you that you were faithful when I was faithless. Thank you for restoring me to faith. Thank you for your forgiveness - and even taking away the guilt of my sin. What amazing grace. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
2 Thessalonians continues the theme of the Second Coming of Jesus. In Chapter 1 Paul encourages the suffering believers in Thessalonica to live so that they will be worthy of God’s ultimate salvation – that their relief will come when Jesus returns.
In Chapter 2 he sets them straight on a rumor that has surfaced, and explains that the man of lawlessness will come before the Messiah comes.
End Times references in 2 Thessalonians include 1:5-10 and 2:1-10. However, the most compelling words to me are in verse 10: 'they refused to love the truth and so be saved.'
It is sad when people refuse to even hear the truth - but this goes a step further. We must love the truth - - love it more than we love life, love it more than being loved or approved of by others - - love truth - - and the One who is Truth.
Truth is not a movable feast - - a potluck of 'my truth' and 'every other truth as seen by every other individual.' That defines perspective, or opinion, or persuasion - - but not truth. There is only one truth. Yeshua ha Meshiach aka Jesus, the Messiah is truth.
The Bible is God's Word to man. It is the plumb line for truth and the guidebook for the discovery of truth. That's why it is called 'the narrow way.' There is only one way to God, and it is through Jesus. He is the Messiah - - translated Christos in Greek.
There are a lot of decent 'mostly honest' people who don't tell the truth because they don't have the truth to tell. They aren't intentionally lying. They are sincere in what they believe, but their belief is in error - - untrue.
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the father except through me. (John 14:6)
That truth was the foundation for Paul's ministry. He didn't believe in Jesus while Jesus was alive, but he met the One who is truth on the Damascus Road soon after Jesus' death - - and Paul was converted from unbelief and being a persecutor of the Christ-followers to absolute belief in the One he had previously rejected, and becoming one of the persecuted. Paul's life exemplified his beliefs and resonated with the truths Jesus taught.
He had been a believer approximately 16 years at the time of his first writings. He had established churches in his missionary journeys - - and when he couldn't get back to them to speak to them in person, he resorted to writing. The letters to the churches at Thessalonica are believed to be his first letters. He dictated them to someone else, then wrote a little at the end in his own hand as a corroboration that what was stated was indeed from him. The primary focus of these first two books is the second coming of Jesus Christ. Meshiach. Messiah. Christos. Christ. The One who came who will come again just as he promised, and the 2 books of Thessalonians remind us of that truth.
LORD, you sent your one and only Son into this world to be our Savior. You reveal yourself clearly through the life and message of your Son - the Good News that all who will come to you through him can and will be saved. He took all of our sins on himself. He suffered the penalty for sin so we don't have to. He paid the price for sin. Thank you,Lord Jesus, for your incredible gift of eternal life to all who accept your truth. Thank you for your sacrifice for me! Thank you for your incredible forgiveness. Lead hungry souls to you - - to Truth! Amen.
In Chapter 2 he sets them straight on a rumor that has surfaced, and explains that the man of lawlessness will come before the Messiah comes.
End Times references in 2 Thessalonians include 1:5-10 and 2:1-10. However, the most compelling words to me are in verse 10: 'they refused to love the truth and so be saved.'
It is sad when people refuse to even hear the truth - but this goes a step further. We must love the truth - - love it more than we love life, love it more than being loved or approved of by others - - love truth - - and the One who is Truth.
Truth is not a movable feast - - a potluck of 'my truth' and 'every other truth as seen by every other individual.' That defines perspective, or opinion, or persuasion - - but not truth. There is only one truth. Yeshua ha Meshiach aka Jesus, the Messiah is truth.
The Bible is God's Word to man. It is the plumb line for truth and the guidebook for the discovery of truth. That's why it is called 'the narrow way.' There is only one way to God, and it is through Jesus. He is the Messiah - - translated Christos in Greek.
There are a lot of decent 'mostly honest' people who don't tell the truth because they don't have the truth to tell. They aren't intentionally lying. They are sincere in what they believe, but their belief is in error - - untrue.
Jesus said, I am the way, the truth and the life. No man comes to the father except through me. (John 14:6)
That truth was the foundation for Paul's ministry. He didn't believe in Jesus while Jesus was alive, but he met the One who is truth on the Damascus Road soon after Jesus' death - - and Paul was converted from unbelief and being a persecutor of the Christ-followers to absolute belief in the One he had previously rejected, and becoming one of the persecuted. Paul's life exemplified his beliefs and resonated with the truths Jesus taught.
He had been a believer approximately 16 years at the time of his first writings. He had established churches in his missionary journeys - - and when he couldn't get back to them to speak to them in person, he resorted to writing. The letters to the churches at Thessalonica are believed to be his first letters. He dictated them to someone else, then wrote a little at the end in his own hand as a corroboration that what was stated was indeed from him. The primary focus of these first two books is the second coming of Jesus Christ. Meshiach. Messiah. Christos. Christ. The One who came who will come again just as he promised, and the 2 books of Thessalonians remind us of that truth.
LORD, you sent your one and only Son into this world to be our Savior. You reveal yourself clearly through the life and message of your Son - the Good News that all who will come to you through him can and will be saved. He took all of our sins on himself. He suffered the penalty for sin so we don't have to. He paid the price for sin. Thank you,Lord Jesus, for your incredible gift of eternal life to all who accept your truth. Thank you for your sacrifice for me! Thank you for your incredible forgiveness. Lead hungry souls to you - - to Truth! Amen.
Tuesday, July 12, 2011
Day 22 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 14, 2011

What a delightful day!
We stopped to see one of my college roommates and her husband. It was my husband's first time meeting them - and I had only seen her husband on one other occasion - about 10 years ago....
We had a wonderful visit - then after we left their house, we drove to Shoshone Falls. My hope was to be able to get pictures of a rainbow in the falls. The falls were amazing. We had stopped to see them in the fall - - but now the water level was very high, and the amount of water coming over the falls made them absolutely spectacular.
And I got my rainbow photos! It was the perfect time of day - and I took lots of pics from lots of angles!!!! Thank you, LORD, for the amazing beauty of Your world - and for having eyes to see such magnificence.
The obvious poem that leaped to mind was one I memorized in High School, My Heart Leaps Up, by William Wordsworth
My heart leaps up when I behold
A rainbow in the sky;
So was it when my life began;
So is it now I am a man;
So be it when I shall grow old,
Or let me die!
The Child is father of the Man;
And I could wish my days to be
Bound each to each by natural piety.
I love rainbows and the promise of God they stand for! He destroyed the earth once by water and the rainbow is his continuing promise that he won't do that again. (Though this year there have to be some people who wondered....)
The only thing that affected the absolute perfection of the day were the malevolent mosquitoes at The Bruneau Sand Dunes Park where we camped for the night. They thought bug spray was a condiment!
Otherwise: a perfect day! Thank you, Lord!
Day 21 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 13, 2011
Day 20 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 12, 2011

When we were leaving our campground June 12, we found out a cattle drive was headed our way - so we hung out and waited for it.
We stopped by the Provo Cabela's. Very different set-up from ours. When we came out there were two guys flintknapping so we talked to them/ watched them for about an hour. Then on to see my eldest brother, sister-in-law and other family in Brigham City, Utah!
They decided to take us to Bear Lake for the afternoon. Part of the lake is in Utah and the rest in Idaho. On our journey, we stopped to see the Paris, Idaho Tabernacle, built in the late 1800's. They couldn't agree on which design they liked better, so they compromised and built the two sides with different styles to make everyone happy.
Day 19 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 11, 2011
Day 18 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 10, 2011

Our destination today was Caineville - and our goal was to find chert. We didn't find chert, and other than seeing a sign that said 'Caineville Wash' we didn't even see a roadside sign for what might have once been Caineville. The last time we were through that area, I thought I remembered a sign - - one of those 4 inch 'cities' that has the name of the town on each side of one post. Couldn't even find that this time....
The photo of the 'red' rock area is Capitol Reef from a distance. The larger formation is in Monument Valley - not far from Capitol Reef.
Day 17 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 9, 2011 - Petroglyphs

When we left Calf Creek we talked to some people who told us about some really neat Petroglyphs nearby - above the Escalante River. It was a hike up high to get to see them - but they were worth the climb. Zoomed in, the hands look like someone dipped hands into paint and then onto the cliff face.... The picture in the center shows where the hands are located.
We found a few petroglyphs on the hike. The one shown in the bottom photo is far more characteristic of others we have seen in the area, both on this trip, and prior trips. My favorites are Newspaper Rock and Rochester Panel, because they are so large, but seeing the smaller ones - little messages from the past tucked away in unexpected places - is neat, too.
Monday, July 11, 2011
Day 17 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 9, 2011- Calf Creek

Oops! I missed a day! In the morning of Day 14, we hiked up to Eagles Landing at Kodachrome Basin State Park. Great photo ops. Bryce National Park is only 19 miles away, and is visible from the landing. There are also some great photo ops of dead trees - which is one of my favorite topics. Then - we hiked Willis Creek, another hike the gal back at Kanara Creek told Al about. It was fun. Generally there isn't water in the creek this time of year, but there was this year - - so we hopped across or waded as needed....
Sorry for being out of sequence on my reporting days....
Day 16 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 8, 2011, Big Slots


After hiking the 3 canyons in the Harris Wash earlier in the day, we drove back to the Bureau of Land Management Visitor Center at Escalante to ask about some other slot canyons we had heard about - Big Slots - - then we hiked out to explore.
We were the only ones out there. They aren't a common destination. But - the colors were spectacular, even though the other attributes of the canyons didn't hold a candle to the others we had already explored! We hiked up one- then Al took off cross-country. I went up the wash and entered the next slot. After awhile it opened up to an area of spectacular yellows and pinks - then after crossing through that area, there was another slot I hiked through - - and finally found Al, who wanted me to go up high on the sandstone areas to see what he had seen - - but I was just as excited about what I was seeing: stripes and swirls galore! And I wanted him to see what I had seen - so he joined me for the hike back. What an adventure! WE did a LOT of hiking and it is one of the few days my feet actually got tired.... But, it was a wonderful day!
Day 16 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 8, 2011, Dry Slot

Our next canyon of the day was Dry Slot Canyon - which was back toward where we hiked in. I found an accommodating lizard that let me take 16 pictures of him. I got my share of lizzie pics on the trip - - but they are often challenging to get pictures of. They run fast!
After we went through the most interesting part of Dry Slot Canyon, we found a place to climb out - then hiked cross-country by different routes back to our pickup. As is customary on our hikes, Al got there several minutes before I did!
Day 16 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 8, 2011, Spooky



A lot of Spooky was narrow. Very narrow. To fit through the narrow slots, we had to ditch our packs, and squish through sideways, the canyon rubbing both our front and our back simultaneously. Needless to say, a lot of people can't go in very far. They said that if you get claustrophobia you shouldn't do Spooky, but as long as I have fresh air I'm O K. Another thing that probably helped is that we were alone in the canyon. There weren't many places to pass...and I hate to think what would happen if someone actually got stuck.... But - for us it was fun! Looking at some of the areas we had to go through, it seemed impossible - but we made it!
We didn't go on down to the next slot canyon, which is named Brimstone. It is more technical and requires mountaineering skills I don't possess. We thought about going in as far as we were comfortable - but it is a destination hike for the hearty, and we had lots of other slots to explore!
Day 16 SLOT CANYON TRIP: JUNE 8, 2011, Peekaboo



DAY 16: Another perfect day!
Since we were in the right area, we learned there are a lot of slot canyons in the Grand Staircase-Escalante Area - they say about 1000! Two of their most famous ones that are moderate hikes are Peekaboo and Spooky. Both lived up to their names. There are several slot canyons accessible from the Harris Wash. We visited Peekaboo first.
To get into the canyon the first challenge is climbing up 12 feet to the entrance. The 1st picture for today shows that. Thankfully there were some toe notches and enough places to hang onto to make it up pretty easily. We got out there early and were the only ones in Peekaboo during the time we were there...but lots of other people got there not long after we left...they are popular sites to visit!
Happy Birthday, Shayne! We had a terrific day on your birthday!
Day 15 SLOT CANYON TRIP: Devil's Garden
My blog only allows me 3 pictures for each post - and I just had to share a few pics of Devil's Garden, which is down 'The Hole In The Rock' Road. It's easy to miss, as it is not visible from the road - but it is fun. It reminded me of Goblin Valley, in fact, but with larger specimens. Wind, water and time. What a wonderful display of the effects the trio have, given the right medium to work with.


Day 15 was another perfect day. We camped the night before at The Petrified Forest State Park and early in the morning I got some great pictures of the reservoir filled beyond the brim, as evidenced by the top photo for today. That was just a bonus!
This was the day we got to go to the canyon that was the catalyst for doing this trip, Zebra Canyon. A couple of years before we took a trip to the Southwest that included going to Goblin State Park, where we first heard about slot canyons. We hiked up Little Wild Horse Canyon, then back out another canyon - - and I was hooked!
There was a photo of Zebra Canyon in the Visitor Center at Goblin Valley State Park, and I added going there to my newly-formed 'bucket list.' I was enthralled by the pink stripes in the sandstone! Today was the day!
What I didn't know about Zebra Canyon when I determined to see it for myself someday, was that it is a long hike to a short canyon! It is a 6 mile+ round trip hike through a sandy wash to get to a canyon that is only about 1/4th of a mile long.... There was another couple there when we arrived - taking pictures, of course.... So they are in a lot of my shots - - but after they left I got some without people.... I actually like both. People in pictures provides perspective.
It's obvious how Zebra Canyon got its name! The stripes were wonderful! (If you click on a picture I think it will enlarge so you can see it better!)
Wednesday night I joined with about a dozen others for the First Wednesday Prayer Meeting at church. God's presence was incredible. I love to be immersed in His presence. It was wonderful!
I've been fighting being discouraged, and there is nothing like the beautiful presence of the Holy Spirit to make us set aside those things that weigh us down, as we are lifted into God's presence, far above the trivialities of this world.
WE have been forewarned that in this world we will have trouble - - but the promise that follows is the source of our joy! Jesus follws that warning immediately with, "but I have overcome the world."
Yesterday when I awoke God reminded me to walk by faith not by sight. All day I felt a heaviness of soul. When He has forewarned me with that message in the past it has meant something challenging was imminent. I am grateful for the reminder, but living waiting for the shoe to drop, as it were....
This morning His first reminder of the day was "I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am with you always, to the end of the earth."
I know that the only certainty of life is change. I know that God loves me just as I am, but loves me too much to leave me that way. I know that He is faithful. He is my strength. He is my song!
Saturday morning Al and I went along with a group of about 15 people who did a 'yard clean-up' for a young woman whose husband is in the military and serving overseas. They have one young toddler, and he gets to come home for 10 days. So - one of the ladies in the church was inspired to organize a yard crew to do the things on her 'honey-do' list so he could have more time with her and their little one instead of 'doing the list.' It was amazing to see how much can be accomplished in such a short time when you have good workers!
Last night we watched Diane Sawyer's report of the young woman who was held captive for 18 years - Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped at age 11, and not 'found' until she was 29. It is a compelling story. And - in spite of the tragedy of what happened, it is a story of hope!
It reminds me that we as Christians each have a story of hope - and we need to be just as courageous to share our story as Jaycee is being! And - - our story is founded in the One who is Hope. Our hope is not in vain. It is an absolute. Just as surely as day follows night, our hope is a confidence founded in God's faithfulness. What good news!
I've been fighting being discouraged, and there is nothing like the beautiful presence of the Holy Spirit to make us set aside those things that weigh us down, as we are lifted into God's presence, far above the trivialities of this world.
WE have been forewarned that in this world we will have trouble - - but the promise that follows is the source of our joy! Jesus follws that warning immediately with, "but I have overcome the world."
Yesterday when I awoke God reminded me to walk by faith not by sight. All day I felt a heaviness of soul. When He has forewarned me with that message in the past it has meant something challenging was imminent. I am grateful for the reminder, but living waiting for the shoe to drop, as it were....
This morning His first reminder of the day was "I will never leave you nor forsake you. I am with you always, to the end of the earth."
I know that the only certainty of life is change. I know that God loves me just as I am, but loves me too much to leave me that way. I know that He is faithful. He is my strength. He is my song!
Saturday morning Al and I went along with a group of about 15 people who did a 'yard clean-up' for a young woman whose husband is in the military and serving overseas. They have one young toddler, and he gets to come home for 10 days. So - one of the ladies in the church was inspired to organize a yard crew to do the things on her 'honey-do' list so he could have more time with her and their little one instead of 'doing the list.' It was amazing to see how much can be accomplished in such a short time when you have good workers!
Last night we watched Diane Sawyer's report of the young woman who was held captive for 18 years - Jaycee Dugard was kidnapped at age 11, and not 'found' until she was 29. It is a compelling story. And - in spite of the tragedy of what happened, it is a story of hope!
It reminds me that we as Christians each have a story of hope - and we need to be just as courageous to share our story as Jaycee is being! And - - our story is founded in the One who is Hope. Our hope is not in vain. It is an absolute. Just as surely as day follows night, our hope is a confidence founded in God's faithfulness. What good news!
Sunday, July 10, 2011



On June 4 we hiked to the Wahweap Hoodoos. It was a 9+ mile round trip hike in the hot sun, up a nearly-dry wash. When we got back to the vehicle it was 95 degrees. It was definitely our hottest day hiking - - and I had come down with an acute sinus infection from the dust the day before in the Antelope Slot Canyons. I made a slight tactical error in carrying less water that day. On all our other hikes I had had never come close to using all the water I carried - and it is heavy to carry extra I cut way back.... Bad choice. Wrong day for that decision. A good lesson. We made it by rationing our final water and guzzling like crazy once we were back at the pickup! Other than those little asides - - the hoodoos were interesting. They are the result of having a rock to protect an area from being washed away in the erosion process....and have taken many years to form. As they get too weak, they they are the result of continual change. Some of their most delicate ones won't be there much longer....
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