Thursday, July 14, 2011


Yesterday and today I've noticed that there have been multiple commentaries on the current status of the U S Government with regard to raising the debt limit. The threat has been that if the ceiling is not raised, those in the military, and others who receive payments from the government might not receive a check as of August 1. All scary - but in my view, if they keep raising the debt lid and printing play money, the house of cards will still fall.... They are delaying it but not preventing it.

Their proposal wouldn't work for a family's financial stability - and it won't work for the government. My Dad taught us: "You can't spend what you don't have." "Save for the future." "Live within your means." I am not an economist - but I do have to balance the checkbook, and those lessons have to be applied to daily living - whether by a family, or by a government.

Part of the problem is the NIMBY attitude. Not In My Back Yard. Everyone is saying "Cut something - but not my area. Mine is important." News flash: "You can't spend what you don't have" still means the same thing it did when I was growing up. The other problem is that many Americans have developed a mistaken notion that the government owes them something for nothing. Our rush toward Socialism comes at the cost of freedoms I don't want to lose.

I actually am afraid we've gone too far to be able to rein things back in, but we need to try.

It definitely isn't the time to be incurring additional debt! If/when our government runs out of money, a lot of people are going to be out of homes, food and jobs - - and that will be just the beginning of troubles!

I don't want to be an alarmist - but it doesn't seem many people are paying attention to the storm warning!

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